Chapter 10: Favour

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Damon's POV

I walked into my building and today I felt like greeting no one, even if I greeted it would be a cold morning or just wave a little. Usually my employees would be the one's that forced to somehow greet me and today I wasn't interested. I wasn't in the mood to talk or see people.

“Cancel all my meetings for today”, I ordered as I walked to my receptionists desk and her eyes widened at my demand before she took out her diary and started paging through it

“But sir, that's what you said yesterday and all the meetings were postponed to today. I can't keep cancelling them”, she put her diary down and placed her hands on her hips.

“Carla please for once, just do as you're told”, I deadpanned as I slowly past her desk and walked towards my office, and she let out a long exaggerated heavy sigh

As I continued walking, a pair of high heel sounds started following me and whoever it was, she definitely couldn't walk in heels. The clicking of the heels didn't make that rhythm Layla usually made when she walked in heels, that motion of confidence. Music to my ears kind of clicks. She walked as if she was taking her time, walking on fragile glass, careful not to walk to hard because the floor might crack.

Hold on......back up a second

Was I just comparing Layla to other women now? I mean what's wrong with me?

I seriously must be coming down with something

Whoever was behind me was pissing me off completely. I could imagine her walking like a penguin in heels. The stumbling and the sighs of silently not wanting to fall on the floor.

I turned to see this person who was violently disturbing my peace and a tiny body came crashing onto my chest before she stumbled backwards, losing her balance. I quickly grabbed her by her arms to prevent her from falling. The floor was kind of slippery, and it wasn't much of an advantage that she was wearing heels she can't walk in.

As I helped her back to her balance, I couldn't help but give her the look of pity as she was fixing her appearance by straightening her black pencil skirt

“Try pumps next time”, I suggested and her mouth formed the 'o' shape in surprise before I turned to walk away from her

“No. Mr Kingsley”, she called to my attention and I turned again to look at her. She smiled nervously as she pushed her glasses up using her index finger.

Layla always makes that seem so attractive, when she pushes her reading glasses up then her gaze would fix back on me. How her hazel sparking eyes would darken as she tilts her head to the side, giving me a deadly look. That was a clear indication that she wasn't going to argue with me.....yet.

“I'm here for you”, she smiled innocently, and I raised my eyebrow

“Do we have a meeting?”, I asked, wondering which company would send a such an unorganized, clumsy person to represent them

“No. No”, she laughed softly. “I'm Maya. Maya Welman. I'm your P.A”, she extended her arm for a handshake.


“Y... You?”, I asked amused as a laugh threatened to leave my lips because all my CEO, professional life, I had the honor of having hot, emphasis on Hot attractive women working for me as my P.A's, which I had the pleasure of firing every two days just because I felt like it. This Maya woman wasn't really my ideal P.A

She nodded her head as she pushed back her glasses again. Another pissing me off moment.

“Wait here”, I said to her as I walked back to Carla's desk. She's the one that made the final decision about who became my P.A

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