Chapter 4: Candlelight

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Layla's POV

“Welcome to the family”, Rose Kingsley, Damon's mother engulfed me in breath-taking, bone crushing hug

“C…can't breathe”, I struggled to talk because she was holding me so tight. She released me and gave a nervous laugh.

“I'm so sorry dear, it's just that I'm so happy. I didn't imagine my Damon getting married, especially to such a beautiful, well-mannered girl like you”, she cupped my face in her hands before wiping tears that were already streaming down her face. “I'm so happy”, she sobbed, and I wrapped my arms around her, running my hand up and down her back.

“It's okay”, I said and we broke from the hug as we heard someone clear their throat behind us

“Mom, we need to go”, Damon spat in cold tone before Mrs Kingsley frowned in disappointment

“Oh, okay”, she turned to look at me, caressing my cheek and pulled me for a warm hug again. “Don't be a stranger, okay?”

“I promise I won’t”, I smiled at her, she was being so sweet to me. A mothers love was the one thing I haven't known in years. His father, Lincoln Kingsley and grandfather, Dylan Kingsley didn't really say much to me, except having everlasting smiles on their faces. They looked pleased.

“Come. Let's go”, Damon grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the car.

“Aw, you're hurting me”, I winced in pain but that just caused him to tighten his grip around my wrist and pull me behind him, without causing an obvious scene

“Damon, wait”, I wiggled my hand from his tight hold, causing him to stop in his tracks and turn to look at me

“What?”, he snapped, turning to tower above me and I blinked repeatedly at how close he was to me

“I can't go without saying goodbye”, I stated before gaining comfidence to look at him dead in the eye. His stony grey orbs were cold towards my eyes. He looked around at any attention he was drawing to us then gave a short nod.

“You have 5 minutes”, he warned, holding his index finger across my face. He motioned with his head, dismissing me to do what I want.

I walked over to where Stacy and Lelo were standing, and I hugged them both. “I'm going to miss you guys”, I was already close to tears and their arms tightened around me.

“We’re going to miss you too, don't forget about us okay?” ,Lelo said as we hugged again

“I won't, I promise” I said before the both of them took my hands and kissed them. We heard someone fake a cough.

Who could it be if it wasn't my darling husband?

Damon motioned with his hand that I get a move on and I rolled my eyes before quickly bidding my girls farewell and went to say goodbye to my father and granfather. Tears were already building up in my Dad's eyes and I wiped them off while smiling at him

“I'm sorry Baby cakes”, he whispered, and I shook my head.

“It's okay Dad. I'm going to be fine. I'll call you everyday okay?”, I reassured as I kissed him on the cheek and he nodded.

“If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to call us, okay?”, my grandfather whispered against my ear as we broke away from the long hug he engulfed me in.

“I won't”, I took a step back from the both of them. “I love you guys”

“I love you too, Baby cakes”, they chorused together before my father accompanied me to bid farewell to some of my family members

After saying goodbye Elsa, I turned to walk back to Damon, who was leaning with his back on the car, patiently waiting for me

“I said 5 minutes”, he hissed. “Not 13 fucking minutes”

He was actually timing me?

He opened the car door for me.

“Well unlike you I know the importance of family”, with saying that I got inside the car and I heard him sigh agitatedly before he shut the door closed and I jumped a little from the loud bang, watching him as he went around to get in the other side.

The guests waved goodbye as we started to drive off and my heart sank as I watched myself leaving everyone behind and leaving for a new place. I felt like crying. Here I was, going to spend the rest of my life with a guy who didn't even seem to care about me. The car ride was silent the entire journey, that I ended up drifting off to sleep.

What felt like just a few minutes later, I was woken by someone tapping me on the shoulder and I peeled my eyes open to see it was Damon.

“What?”, I rubbed the sleep off my eyes

“We're here”, he got out of the car, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't going to open the door for me, so much for chivalry

It was already dark outside as the sun was setting and I wondered how long did we actually drive?

“We are staying here for the night. We'll be flying to my place tomorrow morning”, I heard him say as I followed closely behind him.

“Mr Kingsley?”, someone called after him, and he turned to look at him


“I just wanted to tell you the honeymoon suite is ready for you and your lovely bride”, the guy smiled politely and Damon cursed under his breath

The what suite?

Damon's pace quickened with me following closely behind until we got into the elevator, which lead us to a huge floor that looked like one huge penthouse. He swiped his access card and the doors opened.

"We don't have all day", he rolled his eyes as he held the door open for me as I was waiting outside and I strode inside

After closing the door behind me, he took his suit jacket off and tossed it on the couch and headed upstairs. I was walking around holding my wedding dress in my hands so that I don't trip over it and make a complete fool of myself.

“What the hell?”, I heard him shout from upstairs and curiosity took the best of me. I had to find what pissed him off, because whatever it was, it was sure to be my happiness.

I got into the room to find that it had been set in a romantic setting :Red roses scattered on the bed to form a heart shape. Candles, dimmed lights and champagne. I take what I said back about what pissed him of being my happiness, this was beyond devastating.

The honeymoon suite huh?

Damon's POV

This is all my mother's doing, the romantic suffocating setting. I turned and saw Layla standing at the doorway, her eyes widened as she studied what was going on around us. I ignored her and removed the flowers on the bed and prepared to get into bed and sleep.

“Where I'm I supposed to sleep?”, she asked, and I took one glimpse her

“Anywhere else in the house except in here with me. The couch is available”, I said merely, and she scoffed.

“The couch?”, she scoffed.“Seriously?”

“Well I don't see any other option”, I shrugged before I got into bed and turned my back against her. “Switch off the lights on your way out”, I pulled the covers over my head and pretended to be sleeping.

I could hear her make her way out of the room, and she didn't switch off the lights, damn her. My eyes felt heavy all of a sudden. I let out a yawn before I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

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