Chapter 4

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All of Sistar members have decided to disband and run their careers separately. The members also agree to the manager to have a final comeback as the last gift for star1.

Honestly, they do not want to be disbanded; however, there is one member, Bora, who wants it to be occurred. She wants it because she may have a chance to meet Nam Taehyun, her ex boyfriend in different situation as an actress.

"Probably, we will have our last comeback" says Bora with straight expression.
"All right, tomorrow I will seek to find the music producer who seems to contribute his/her skills with us" adds manager.
"I guess our last comeback will just be in a form of double-title singles" Hyorin speaks as she flips her hair.
"It sounds more practical instead of a mini album, then" the manager takes a note on what the members say.

Bora pov

Sistar will be disbanded. We as the members will go separately and start our own careers. I want it so bad because of the chance for meeting Taehyun as an actress, but on the other side I'm so sad due to the departure of the members as SISTAR.

I'm remaining to be silent as I hear Hyorin said that SISTAR will only have double title track as the farewell gift for someone. Then, suddenly I have a joly good idea about the comeback.

"Manager nim, how if we write the lyrics of a song by ourselves?"
"Both of them? Or one of the songs? The manager ask as he continues writing on his notebook.
"Both of them may be possible" Soyu suggests.
"Are you sure you can?!" The manager is surprised.
"I prefer one of the songs" I say it with a little smile on my face.
"Thanks for the suggestion eonnie, it really helps us" agrees Hyorin as she holds my hands and the others together.

Next day..

Author pov

After having discussion with their manager, all the members directly head to the studio in the morning. They really prepare themselves for recording and composing the songs which are the last farewell gift for their fans, Star1.

They run quite fast when the manager dropped them in front of the studio building. They feel excited and hurry in composing the last comeback songs.

Bora pov

My friends and I run from the entrance door until we reach the elevator. Then, we go on the 11th floor where the composing room is in.

It is quite tiring. We have to wake up so early with small amounts of breakfast such as coffee and salad. However, I can't complain, it is done for the last comeback before disbandment.

While I think of everything to be done, I follow my friends to the composing room. After that, I take a seat, with brainstorming in my head. I try to think of the idea of the songs. There is something sad in my head as I think. Then I open the conversation.

"Guys, I get something in my mind"
"What is it, Eonnie?" Dasom says.
"I think we should have one sad song and the warm-hearted one."
"Wow, it will the saddest comeback ever." Soyu gives her opinion as she writes in the blank notes.
"I think so. It will be tearful, but happy at the same time." Hyorin agrees by smiling and tapping her fingertips on the table.
"Okay, let's think of the concept of the lyrics" I remain talking to the members.
"Yeah, I can recommend it one. How about 'Broken Heart'?" Dasom suggests.
"One-sided love for me." Soyu states confidently.
"Beautiful farewell?" adds Hyorin.
"Uhmmm, okay. Let me think for a while.."
"Come on, do not take it so long. We need to do this immediately." reminds Hyorin.
"Anyway, why not involving your broken hearted relationship Eonnie? I mean your past relationship is very dramatic. It can be an inspiration." says Soyu briefly.
"You're right, I feel so empty inside. It's me who can not keep him to stand by my side. I feel lonely" I says it honestly since I feel the same way like what I have said.
"Hmm? Loneliness? It's quite lit and memorable as a title" says Hyorin.
"How if we write the lyrics about loneliness based on our own then we combine it together. It will be more cooperative" states Dasom.
"We totally agree with you, Maknae!" Two members and I says it directly.

After the short discussion ends, my friends and I start writing the lyrics about loneliness on our own.

In the other situation..

At Namtae's studio

Taehyun pov

"Hello, can I talk to factory hyung?"
Yes, this is me. Who is this?
"It's me, Taehyun."
Oh, hi Nam! What brings you to call me?
"I would like to tell you that South Club will make their debut. I may need your help for the music video"
You have to tell me about the song and the concept first.
"The song title is 'Hug Me'."
"Hug me? Such a sweet title, do you compose it by yourself?" asks Factory hyung.
"No, I am helped by South Club, my new band. The lyrics are originally from me; however, the music arrangements are edited by the members" I explain as I see the South Club's members eat their meals together on the floor.
"Who is the model? a girl?"
"I am."
"Hahahhaha, you save your money, don't you? All right just kidding. When would you like to shoot the video?" Asks Factory hyung with his giggles.
"This friday, can you make it?"
"Absolutely, I am free at that day. Thank you for calling me to do this project and please tell me if there are some additional properties you want to add. Good afternoon, Taehyun ah"
"Good afternoon, thanks hyung"
"You're welcome, see you on Friday!" says Factory hyung with the following of putting off the phone.

This friday will be so busy with the preparation of South Club's debut. In contrast, I need to do it, I need to prove that I can be even more successful after quitting from WINNER.

To be continued

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