Chapter 30: Neji isn't as emo as we thought...

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As soon as they walked into the large tower that loomed above all the other buildings, the Kage tower. The group was on them all trying to introduce themselves to the new person that has come to stay in their village, their home.

Neji was the only one who was trailing behind the group who decided to give the poor girl the chance to breathe and get used to what was around her. Knowing about her being a Jinchurriki, and how Naruto never let her out of his sight was probably a big hint at the fact that she had been mistreated and by the way he could tell that her clothes hung off of her probably underfed and tortured as well.

He stood there observing her, her pale blonde hair, was shiny and looked soft even though she probably hadn't had many nutrients in the past few months. her eyes which were bright even though it didn't look like she had any emotions running through them. As his eyes continued to follow her as she moved around the room, being passed from person to person, he noticed that every once in a while her eyes would flicker over to him and then quickly back to the person that she has just been shoved off to.

He sighed as it looked like that they weren't going to leave her on her own at the moment so he wouldn't really get the chance to talk to her. He walked out of the living room and into his own room and sat at his desk and continued to fill out the paperwork that had been neglected by the others because of the new girl. 


It was late at night and as far as Neji knows everyone had gone to bed so that they could get up early for tomorrow as they were going into the village to see if anything needed to be fixed up before they started to offer their services to those outside the village, they knew not to expect anything big seeing as they are a new village but with an alliance with the village hidden in the clouds and this village  already previously existing they should get a few good ones that they could use and get money.

Neji woke up with his head on his desk and the paperwork covered the floor and the desk, he put them all into their designated files and walked out of his room files in hand and headed towards the Kage building to file them away before they became more of a problem. As he walked throughout the now built but empty village he began to think about what his future would be like

would he have someone to come home to after every mission?

In the future will he have kids?

Will the village flourish and become great again?

As he entered the Hokage tower and walked to the basement where all the files were kept he thought about how his life would be if those things were to happen. He would come home after a long mission to see his significant other in the kitchen and as she sees him walk in runs up and hugs him, tells him to go to bed and relax, hand resting on her large stomach, his soon to be little angel.

Neji smiled softly to himself as he slipped the last file into its place, before walking out of the room and reactivating all the security seals around the archives, before walking all the way up to ground level, passing the T and I room, the secretaries office and back into the village, walking past the large lake in the middle of the village, and into the small training ground at the furthermost part of the village. As he neared the small training grounds the sounds of laughter and Naruto's loud exclamations rang in his ears.

His smile widened as he came into the clearing to see everyone in the small lake laughing and splashing each other, with Naruto, Shikamaru and Kiba standing on top of large rocks claiming that they were the kings.

He looked to one part of the lake to see Yugito smiling and laughing for what seemed like the first time.

He chuckled


He would make sure that it happened sometime in the future.



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