Chapter 36- I'll be a girl

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Someone please explain why it's like there's a force field around her, a bit of the pillow and bed are moving but nothing else. Except her, of course hehe.

Once we arrived home, I walked up to my room on the verge of tears and cried for an hour

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Once we arrived home, I walked up to my room on the verge of tears and cried for an hour. Let's just go with I was mainly crying because my arm is incredibly sore and not because of all the problems that are happening. I sound unconvincing to myself. Valentino left me to be alone, and everyone left to go to their actual homes. So I'm just laying in bed, watching incredibly sad movies and crying uncontrollably. I'm that loud that I'm pretty sure Valentino can hear me, but still... he isn't here, supporting me and helping me get through this.

I really need any ice cream at this very moment, cookie dough sounds good. Slogging, I hold the remote up and press pause. If Val says that I'm not aloud to get ice cream, I won't listen to him. I'm taking the car and driving down to the store, whether he likes it or not. As I walk into the living room, I see him sitting down in silence doing absolutely nothing. No television, no phone, no game, no friends, nothing. He's just staring at the ground, as if it's going to help him with his issues. Wait, I can't drive....unless I do it very well with one hand and arm. Looks like he's taking me to get ice cream!

"We are getting ice cream, well you're taking me to get ice cream for myself. Any place that has cookie dough will do," he looks up and stares at me blankly. "You can get some too?" He shakes his head to himself and stands up, he grabs his keys and opens the door waiting for me to exit. He locks the door once he's exited after me, the lights on his car flicker as he unlocks the car.

We take a seat and he drives off straight away, I'm surprised he is actually taking me to get some ice-cream. I think that something is most definitely up with him, do I want to know what though? The car is silent, he is too silent and so am I, so I wind down the window and let the wind be the only thing that the both of us can hear. None of us want to break the ice. "You were crying," he states, briefly looking at my face then turning back to the road.

"That information is not important to know, Valentino." His knuckles turn white and he slams on the breaks, looking at me with mixed emotions of rage and.... yeah just rage. His breathing is staggered and short, he turns in his seat not moving the car to park on the side of the road. This is incredibly dangerous, he's just stopped in the middle of the road! He's going to cause major road rage. Traffic too. "Valentino, park the car on the side of the road not in the middle of it. People have places to go, they can't afford your episodes of rage. So park the freaking car on the side of the road," when he doesn't listen to me, I shout; "PARK THE CAR ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!"

Val just stares, unmoving and more calm then he was. "You. Were. Crying. Don't give me bull crap, I know you were and I want to know why. Just.... just tell me why so I can fix what I've done.... please," he pleads desperately. I'm about to open my mouth and give him my best excuse but he cuts me off, "and don't give me 'my arm is hurting badly' excuse because I know it's hurting but that's not why you were crying."

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