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This is it... the last chapter of The Gang leaders Angel

Please go and check out It All Started With a Ferris wheel

Please go and check out It All Started With a Ferris wheel

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A couple of years later

"So basically, after that bet we made, I became rich... that was when I decided that I should do more bets like that," Aidan grins cheekily.

"I became rich too, you idiot," I hit his arm- rolling my eyes as he tells 6 year old Tyrese his story that little Ty probably doesn't understand. So yes, Cadence was the one who got pregnant next then after giving birth which was way after me her and Aidan got married. Whereas Val and I? I remember that day perfectly.

"Val," I whine as he drags me along. I try not to trip on my long dress that he bought for me to wear this exact night. He  chuckles, why do hills exist? Why did I have to wear a dress for this too? We finally reach the top, I'm out of breath and panting with my hands on my knees by that time. He pats my back 'sympathetically' and straightens me up for me to see.

"I did this for you," he kisses my cheek after saying this and stands back. I stand straighter and look around, we are at the top of the hill obviously and the view is great. The city lights still appear through the bushes where willows are. Daisies scatter the ground and a wooden table sits with a bottle of wine and plates with a hidden meal. He lifts it up, "pizza, fish, chips, every thing here is your favourite dish."

My eyes water and I hug him, "you did all of this for me?" I whisper. He nods and I kiss him on the lips, no one has ever ever done this for me and it makes me extremely happy. It doesn't have to be some place fancy or fancy food for me to enjoy it and think it's incredibly romantic. He knows just what I like and I love how he knows so much about me now.

We eat dinner, talking and laughing. Then after dinner we lay back on the grass and look up at the sky, where the stars are shining brightly. "There's so many stars tonight," he whispers and intertwines our fingers together.

"Yeah," I agree with him. He sits up and I watch him, placing my hand on his back while doing so.

"Willow," he whispers making me sit up. He grabs something out of his pocket but it's too dark for me to see, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"You're the love of my life and I never thought that I'd feel happy again after everything that happened. But once again, you proved that wrong. You are always there for me and there's not another person that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. You're the light in my life Willow, and I couldn't ever live without you. I know we met in a bad way but I hope you can move past that, it's something that I will always regret because you never really had anyone until your grandparents finally contacted you. If anyone ever hurts you, I'll hurt them. If you hurt, I hurt. If you cry, I cry. If you laugh, I laugh. You're my world Willow, you make me so f***ing happy And I couldn't ask for anyone else. Will you marry me?" The happy tears fall one after the other and I jump on him- hugging him and peppering his face and lips with kisses.

The Gang Leaders AngelWhere stories live. Discover now