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*sorry there's not a lot of Frary, I'll get some in next chapter, I promise to you

Mary and Francis have invited some members of royal families all across Europe to French court to welcome in their newest child. The child hasn't been born yet, but Mary is starting to show! They invited and persuaded the Portuguese royal family to bring one of their young princes, named Marin.
(It's 1572, I can't find the names of the King and Queen of Portugal. Play along for the means of the story)

"Queen Mary, King Francis, my pleasure to meet you," King Sebastian of Portugal greets.
"The pleasure is all mine, it's lovely to see you made it, King Sebastian and Queen Victoria," King Francis speaks to the other King, older than him but not by much.
"What did you want us here for, obviously you didn't pull us away just to greet your newest baby," Queen Victoria says with a grueling smile.
"We were thinking of an alliance, between one of our twins, and your son, prince Marin," Francis spoke for Mary and himself.
"Ahh, yes. I remember when the twins were born. We were just leaving after a party here, the first time we ever came to your court. Their angelic faces were so pure. Our prince was born only a few months before," Queen Victoria remembers.
"Do you think it's a good idea, dear?" King Sebastian asks his wife.
"Of course, its a good idea. Our future King needs a queen and," she lowers her voice,"and some alliances."
"We want to assure our twins happiness, so we thought we could see how Prince Marin and the twins interact," Mary explains.
"Why, that's an excellent idea. We will decide which twin we want to engage to our son. We want to assure his happiness too, but remember, love is irrelevant to people like us," Queen Victoria says in a slightly taunting manner.
"I'm glad you agree. We can announce the engagement tomorrow, at the earliest," Francis steps in.
"Maybe the day after, they can spend the whole day together tomorrow, except for meals, and we will see how they interact," King Sebastian agrees.
The next day, Prince Marin plays with the identical twins, Kenna and Isabel. Kenna wears a blue dress and Isabel wears a black dress. The color of the dress is the only way Prince Marin can tell them apart.
The twins and the prince giggle, and giggle until they all lay on the ground and take deep breaths. Kenna stifles a giggle and lets it all out.
"Want to run over there," prince Marin points his finger to the blood woods.
"No, mommy says it's not safe," Isabel points her finger to another place,"maybe we can play there."
"Okay," Prince Marin runs as fast as he can,"catch me if you can!"
*1 day later*
"Prince Marin says he liked the girl in the black dress better," Queen Victoria states bluntly.
"Isabel was wearing the black dress," Francis informs the queen in front of him.
"Then prince Marin and princess Isabel will be engaged," King Sebastian decides. With those words sealed princess Isabel and prince Marin's future.
"We will announce their engagement here at court at our last feast together before we send you all back. You may announce your engagement whenever you please, or announce it here," Mary is certain about her words.
"We'll see," Queen Victoria says.
Long after the engagement was announced between Isabel and Marin..
"Claude?" Mary looks for her friend who she saw a second ago. She is getting nervous.
"Yes, Mary?" Claude rushes to Mary's side, frightened.
"I think the baby's coming," Mary says with a furrowed brow.
"Oh," she stops to think,"I'll get the midwife."
"Thank you, Claude," Mary seems uncomfortable as she puts her hand on Claude's shoulder.
Claude walks out of the room.
"That's enough, Claude," The midwife suggests.
"Get in there! HURRY UP!" Claude gets frustrated.
"Of course," the midwife assures her.
"His name, is James," Mary looks lovingly at Francis.
"Isn't it my turn to name the baby?" Francis jokes.
"No, my dear, you named Charles. It's only been a year since we had Charles and here's another one! We are just like your parents," Mary laughed.
"We aren't. I don't have a mistress, I haven't tried to get you beheaded," Francis interjects.
"I mean, with all of these children," Mary looks at her husband, her eyes held want. She wants she needs Francis.
"Oh, how I love you, Mary," Francis leans to kiss Mary, but then swerves and kisses the top of James's head.
"Really, really love me? Or do you love James more?" Mary teases.
"Since you never chose an item to poison, I already did," Catherine laughs.
"You did what?" Mary is outraged.
"My reports from my spy's in England, oh did I mention Kenna and Lola are back? My reports say that she's attempted taking her own life," Catherine loses track of what she was saying.
"Really? I don't mean to sound morbid but, I hope next time it works," Mary sighs.
"Mary!" Francis and Catherine exclaim at the same time.
"That's what the poison was supposed to be doing anyways," Mary shoots right back.
"You will sit upon the English throne, your rightful, English throne soon, Mary," Catherine assures her.
"To Mary, Queen of France, Scotland, and England!" The man standing up in the front says.
"So how does it feel to be a queen of 3 countries?" Francis asks his beautiful wife.
"Amazing, but it feels like I don't deserve it," Mary looks up then down once she meets his loving eyes.
"If you're talking about," he stops,"don't feel like that. It's your rightful throne," he emphasizes the word "rightful".
"That's it. We can't speak of it here. But yes, that's why I feel like this," Mary confirms.
"Oh, Mary. I won't let you feel this way. I love you, so much. You are beautiful and all mine. Don't let something like this get in the way," Francis cups Mary's face.
"You act likes it's no big deal," she lowers her voice,"if anyone were to find out, there goes my head."
{1058 words}
*i will be in the hamptons July 3-6 I will upload 3 chapters during that time that will be prewritten because during that time and after I will be extremely busy with summer gym, summer homework and sports. thanks for understanding.

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