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*1/3 prewritten chapters

"Mary, everything's in place," Francis assures his wife, "We have 7 children, you are a queen of 3 countries. We have the first 3 of our children engaged. Elizabeth is not a threat to you anymore, because she is dead."
"I still want more," Mary begs.
"I don't. I have the most perfect thing right in front of me," Francis pulls Mary in.
"And I do, too," Mary and Francis's faces collide.
Little James starts to cry. Mary stifles a laugh.
"I'll be just a moment," Mary lands a peck onto Francis's face. They hold hands for a few moments. Mary, eventually, has to let go to take care of her youngest son.
"Shh, it's okay, James. Mommy is here now," Mary coos.
"Here, let me take him," Francis rubs Mary's back. Mary gives Francis their young son. Francis looks down lovingly at him. His eyes light up, and he looks around and smiles at Francis. Francis wipes a tear from his eye and sniffs.
"He's so," Francis searches for a word.
"Adorable?" Mary fills in the blank.
"Yes. Our son, I can't believe I'm saying this, is adorable. Remember, 12 years ago? When you thought I was going to die? When it all could've ended for us?" Francis whimpers.
"I remember. You only got out alive because I needed you to," Mary lightly squeezes her child's cheek.
"Since Lola and Kenna got back, you haven't been the most free, and I've missed you, so much," Francis quickly looks at his queen and then back to his child.
"Then allow me to be free this next week, every night in our chambers," Mary shoots a flirtatious look at Francis.
"You'll have to tell Lola and Kenna you are busy with political work, with the King of France," Francis jokes.
"I will, your majesty," Mary curtsies.
The two lovers laugh their heads off and James little face glows.
"Mary, when I was sent home, my child was left," Lola told Mary,"in England."
"If you think I would go back to England for your mistake with Francis you're sadly mistaken," Mary taunts.
"I wouldn't- you wouldn't," Lola is speechless.
"Mary why are you acting like this we are your friends," Kenna reminds her.
"I am your queen. I wouldn't go to England for something that caused me so much pain!" Mary recites.
"She's 12. She's a little girl, Mary! She needs her mother through this time," Kenna speaks for Lola.
"I'll send someone to get her. I'm busy for the next week, by the way," Mary smiles.
"With what?" Lola asks.
"Or should we say with who?" Kenna jokes.
"Francis's- I mean Francis," Mary almost slips.
"Ooh, are we trying for baby number 8 now?" Kenna teases.
Mary doesn't respond.
"Oh, come on now. She just gave birth do you really think she'll be doing it soon?" Lola reasons with Kenna.
"It's what she did with Aylee and Victoria," Kenna sighs.
"I think it's so sweet that you named your daughter after Aylee," Kenna admires.
"Even though she stole from you," Lola rudely proclaims.
"We're past that now. She's dead, and I almost died but instead, she's gone!" Kenna reminds.
"My King, Francis, I'm here," Mary shuts the door to their chambers.
"Oh, Mary," Francis smiles to her. He rushes to her side.
"Francis,"Mary laughs.
"King Francis to you," Francis says almost too seriously.
"What's my punishment, your highness," Mary plays along.
"This," Francis kisses his beautiful, raven haired wife. He undos her corset and slips of her dress while she fiddles with his shirt. They both kick off their shoes.
(I'll leave it to your imagination what happens next ;) )
A week later, Mary is free to see her ladies before it is time to sleep. She and Francis's week together has come to an end.
"So, Mary, when is baby number 8 going to happen? Soon? A year later? Never? We need to know," Greer gushes.
"Well, we will find out if it comes soon, right?" Mary gestures to her stomach.
"You and Francis-" Greet starts.
"Yes. We're trying for number 8," Mary confirms.
"Oh my god, no I shouldn't say that. Yay, Mary! I'm so happy for you!" Greer exclaims.
"We agreed the most children we would have is 10," Mary confesses.
"10 little angels? Not enough!" Greer jokes.
"10 loud little kids? Too much!" Mary decides.
"You and Francis are the most beautiful people and you make the most adorable children," Greer laughs.
"They're loud, messy," Mary lists.
"And they can all fill in for you when you and Francis can't anymore," Greer reasons.
"I guess so. I love them so much, but they're overwhelming sometimes. I've fulfilled what a wife is for, making an heir, so really, if Francis didn't love me, I would be a queen of 2 countries instead of one," Mary rambles.
"But he loves you, so, you're a queen of 3," Greer assures.
About three months later, Mary is starting to show, again. Her children all have aged at least a year by now. Mary doesn't know it, but the little bundle of joy in her stomach is actually 2, 2 bundles of joys. One boy and one girl.
"Francis," Mary asks her loving husband.
"Yes, my love?"
"I'm pregnant."
"Again? We have enough children," Francis complains.
"You're the one who wanted 15 children," Mary disses.
"Hey, don't worry. We can have baby number 8, and we need to think of names, soon," Francis worries.
"If it's a girl, I want her to be named Alexandria," Mary decides.
"If it's a boy, I want him to be named Alexander," Francis grins.
{945 words}

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