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At the end of the dinner, Mary addresses a rumor.

"To address the chatter about Lola," Mary starts, "It is true. She has passed on."

The Queen takes a moment for the shock to set in.

"We don't know how she died, and if we do, only the ones closest to her will know," Mary explains.

"But, let us not be sad. It is a sad time because she has passed, but it is a happy time because," Mary pauses, thinking of what she should expose, "Aylee is back."

Everyone at the dinner claps, even though they already knew that Aylee was back. Mary takes her seat.

"Aylee, do you want to share a few words?" Mary asks her, in a convincing tone.

"Of course I do. When everyone thought that I had died, someone took me. I know who he was... but I don't want to say his name. He is dead, is all that you have to know about him. He had me kept away in a passage near Queen Mary's room. It is now boarded up, so no one else can get in. He fed me once every other day, I barely had water. I remained untouched by this man. The reason, I believe that he did this to me is that he felt he had more power- more power because he was holding onto me, while you all thought I was gone... That he knew something that none of any of you knew. There's going to be a lot of drama surrounding this.. I think.. but I want you all to be concious of what happened to me. I am untouched.. all I have from the experience is bad memories. I'll be okay," Aylee rambles.

"Thank you Aylee. It's glad to know you're safe and sound now," Mary raises her glass, "to Aylee's safety?" 

All attendees raise their glass, and simotaneously recite "to Aylee!" 


"Francis," Mary knocks at the door to the nursery. Mary opens the door and finds Francis on the floor, asleep.

"You're.. asleep?" Mary strokes his face with the back of her hand, and he sits up.

"Huh? What? Sorry, I uh..." Francis mutters.

"You fell asleep on the floor of the nursery, my love," Mary sits down next to Francis on the floor.

"How did you know to find me here?" Francis takes Marys' hand and gives it a light kiss.

"I always have a sense as to where you are. You're very predictable now," Mary puts her head on Francis' shoulder.

"That is one thing of the many things that I love about you," Francis puts his free hand on her head.

"One thing you don't love about me is my memory... Did I already tell you that we're expecting another one?" Mary asks.

"Well, I guess one thing you don't love about me, is my memory, too. I don't remember if you did.. I feel like you did, but I don't know if it was for our newborn or for the one you have currently," Francis guesses.

"It's a bit early to tell if I'm pregnant or not, I am not showing yet, but I can feel that I am," Mary decides.

"I hope you are pregnant, because we make beautiful children," Francis kisses the top of her head.

"Stop! You're being ridiculous!"  Mary laughs.


"We need to know who killed Lola," Kenna demands Mary.

"If I knew, you know I would tell you! You know as well as I do!" Mary defends.

"All I know is, she had it out for you," Greer informs her.

"Tell me more, you are being vague," Mary demands. Mary already knows what happened and why Lola died, but she wants to know if there is more to it than what she knows.

"I swore to Lola I would never tell, because she threatened me... but I guess I have to tell you now because she no longer stands, and you are my Queen. Not only are you my Queen you are the Queen of 3 countries," Greer tries to change the topic.

"Don't try to change the topic. Since you started telling us, you need to tell us everything," Kenna sneers.

"If you insist. She had a journal, that she was writing for a Mercenary. It had plans to kill you and get away with it. She also had side notes that were ripped out. Those side notes were her backup plan, and on the other side... the plan to marry Francis and become the Queen of France. She had the beginnings of notes to become the Queen of Scotland, and even England. It was a crazy plan," Greer spills.

"More," Mary briskly asks.

"About the notes?" Greer ponders. Mary nods. "Well, the plan for the Mercenary was to have your window open  and you to have a fake suicide. But that was one of the many. Another one was to pit it on Francis, but she crossed that one off. She decided that she wanted to be the Queen at this point," Greer invites.

"Well, I'm glad Lola is gone," Mary didn't know what to say. Greer and Kenna gasp.

"Excuse me for not wanting to be dead!" Mary shakes her head.

"I hear you, but I don't think that is appropriate to say. People might get their suspicions up. The door is open.. anyone could have heard what you just said," Kenna offers up.

In the doorway, Aylee removes her head from the opening and walks away from the room Kenna, Greer and Mary are in and goes down the hallway.

Aylee heard everything of that conversation. She tells her servant, the one with the big mouth and many connections that Mary is glad Lola is gone.

Within the next few days, many people have heard the rumors.


"I want to assure you all that this is a childish, childish rumor. I would never let that come out of my mouth, or even think that sentence. The fact that you all think that this is something that I said sickens me. Do you not trust me, your Queen to be loving to her late lady in waiting?" Mary says to a few servants. 

"Yes, my lady. We trust you. No- I didn't mean to say Yes. I hope you understand. I meant to say-" 

"Enough!" Mary cuts the servant off.

"Sorry, your Highness," the servant curtsies and scurries off. 

"Excuse us, Queen Mary," One of the other servant says with a bow. The other couple of servants bow and curtsy and chase after the first to leave.


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