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*2/3 prewritten chapters

Lola's child was returned. All hell broke lose against Mary and Lola.

"Claude, hey," Mary greets.
"Hello to you, Mary, you're looking well," Claude compliments.
"Thank you, but mentally I am not well," Mary confesses.
"What's wrong inside your pretty little head, my friend?" Claude wonders.
"When Lola and her child were gone, I could pretend like they just weren't there. Because they weren't. I just imagined they never existed. Now that they're back... I don't know what's going on. I feel like she's going to stab her own queen in the back,"Mary gives out.
"Non-sense. She would never, she knows you will find proof and then punish her. I mean, if you find anything," Claude comforts Mary.
"Of course, Claude. Thanks for setting my mind at ease," Mary acts. Her mind was still at war. Mary walks away to her chambers to rest. She couldn't believe the person who brought back Lola's child was still alive. Maybe English court was at peace?
"Francis?" Mary looks for her husband.
"Mary? Where are you?" Francis wonders.
"I'm just around the corner, uh, hold still I'll get to you," Mary proposes.
"Okay,"Francis waits.
"Francis, I want to go to English court," Mary says out right.
"It's dangerous!" Francis says.
"If it was dangerous, the person who brought back Lola's child would be dead," Mary tosses.
"My child is back?" Francis questions.
"No. Lola's child is back."
"Fine, we can go to English court. Many, many guards will be needed. We go tomorrow. Pack your bags. I will alert the court about our leaving and my mother, too. I will assemble guards. Go, go. Get your bags ready," Francis rushes.
"I love you," Mary blushes.
"The waters are pretty peaceful today," Mary suggests.
"Yes, they are," Francis agrees.
"I've never been to English court," Mary looks to Francis.
"Me neither. It will be a first look at one of the countries that I am King of," Francis looks away.
"Didn't you say you have been to England before? Not to court, but to England, in general," Mary questions.
"Oh yes, but not as a King. I barely remember it," Francis smiles.
"I am the RIGHTFUL heir to the English throne, and the Scottish throne. You are MY subject and you will NOT belittle me!" Mary shouted.
"You will not sit on the throne of Scotland," he tilts his head,"of England for much longer. Not while I'm around."
"John Knox, it is? It seems as though you are irrelevant to people like us. Oh, and what you just said, it's a crime. You just threatened the crown, or should I say, 2 crowns! You threatened my life. Guards! Take him away!" Francis steps in.
"Francis, you didn't have to do that. I could've handled it," Mary pouts.
"The guards took him away, didn't they? He's gone now! You don't have to see him. We will find proof of bad things he's done, and we will execute him for it," Francis comforts Mary.
"He will hang."
"Look, here," Mary shoves a paper in Francis's face.
"I see," Francis puts the paper in a pile.
"Oh, and this. Why would he write this?" Mary tosses another paper at Francis. Mary digs and digs through John Knox's papers.
"Is this necessary?" Francis complains.
"You're the one who suggested it," Mary taunts.
"Mary," Francis nudges her,"no, really. Mary. Look at this. It lists every single person who had any connection with him trying to get you off your throne."
"James...Herald........Charles...,"Mary skims over the page.
"We will arrest them all and question them," Francis says with certainty.
"You cant!"the man shouts.
"Yes, we can," Francis smugly sneers,"now, what do you know about John Knox." Mary tightens his arm strap and stretches out his arms further. The man lets out a pained screech.
"I know... so. Much. He.... used your mother.... to try.... AHHH.. to get you off the throne.... and sent... assassins. I ... helped," the man painfully lets out.
"No more. You will die," Francis tosses.
"For any of you who try to ASSASSINATE me, my husband or ANYONE. This, is what happens," Mary kicks over 12 crates. 12 men guilty for plotting against The Crown die. The crowd lets out a gasp, even though they knew what was going to happen on this fateful day to these 12 men standing up there.
"Anyone else? Do NOT plot against the crown. We will find proof of your wrong doing and then," Mary motions to the hanging bodies,"this happens. Assassination attempts will ALL fail. Remember, if you have any information in the future about plots against us, royals, report it.
Every single person in the crowd has wide eyes. The pregnant queen looks fierce, and intimidating. Every single person in the crowd fears their new queen.
The baby will be coming in about 3 or 4 months, Mary had estimated.
"I wish I was a queen," Lola sighs.
"Me too. But, Mary is a Queen and we're her ladies. She's a queen of 3 countries and we would never do anything to take her off the throne. Rumor is she killed 11 men and John Knox because they spoke of assassination," Greer gossips to her close friend.
"Don't tell me what I already know," Lola rolls her eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me, it's disrespectful," Greer points out.
"You don't have a title, only money. You don't need respect," Lola spits.
"Hey, calm down. Don't bring out the beast inside of you, Lola," Greer warns.
"Do you think Francis would," Lola stops,"bed me again?"
"No, no, no, no. Definitely not," Greer spits in disgust.
"I think he would," Lola tucks her hair behind her ear.
Mary is standing in the corner where the 2 walls meet, listening in. Lola and Greer don't realize she's there.
"Just because he did those 2 times doesn't mean he will do it again," Greer shakes her head.
He bedded her twice? Mary thought it was only the one time.
"Three times, Greer. I think he'll take me another time and I'll somehow get pregnant," Lola plots,"Mary will learn her lesson not to insult me again."
"I think you've had too much to drink," Greer says in disgust of what her friend wants to do.
"Nope, I haven't had a drink in a week or so, I'm clear headed. I'm going to talk to Francis, goodbye now," Lola smiles.
Lola walks around the corner where Mary is standing and Mary stops her.
"If you think you can get Francis to bed you, think again. We're on child number 8, do the math. He doesn't want you. He loves me, now run along, confused bird," Mary dishes out the sass
{1134 words}

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