Edd X Male!Reader

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                   [I'mma enjoy this my-damn-self, lmao. Naw-- ya'll readers ENJOY!]




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Third Person POV
             A lovely clear Sunday is only cloaked in fear and darkness for Reader-Chan as he hides in the basement of Eduardo's house. The bird and bugs are at peace, the street is quiet and the cars stay in their cement beds for the day. But the silence is broken by glass shattering in the house neighboring Edd's. Screams and furious yells can be heard from inside. The once beautiful day was forever damaged and engraved into his memory, tearing into his soul like a feral wolf burying it's teeth into his fragile human flesh. Everyday is a struggle to live through the physical abuse. The verbal abuse wears down the heart and soul of the Reader making him emotionless. The mental abuse causes the dark thoughts of suicide come into play, nagging on his subconscious constantly.

Your POV
         I'm shaking and trembling with pure fear. Holding myself close and shutting my eyes tightly in the dark corner of the basement. I hear only Eduardo smashing my belongings against the walls and yelling my name. Finally it stops and I opens my eyes wide staring at my knees.
       "Come out... I hate doing this, you know how much it hurts me." Eduardo's voice sounds near, maybe at the top of the stairs. I hold my breath and stare intently at my knees while I hear the old wood stairs creak at the weight.
      "It's Mark sweetie... I'm not going to hurt you this time." He speaks with honesty in his voice. "No need to hide. Come out, let's talk." I can hear him slowly reach the bottom of the stairs and I curl up tighter into my ball as more silent tears stream down my face. I close my eyes and wish I were somewhere else.
      "I see you, dear. Get out here. Now." The sound of his voice startles me, it's so close to my hiding spot. My eyes open wide again, this time searching for Mark's location. He gets tired of waiting and grabs my shirt by the collar pulling me into the light. I cover my face as the light burns my teary eyes.
      "Why didn't you listen to me? You do EXACTLY what I say and you don't get hurt. How many times to I have to tell you to get it through your thick fucking skull?!" I whimper under his shadow and strength over me. He throws insults at me like it's nothing. Like he thinks I can take it. Like none of this will take a toll on me.
      "Please. Stop!..." I cry loudly now as I'm dragged away upstairs to Eduardo's arms. I go limp to make it difficult for Mark to bring me to the main asshole.
      "No! NO! PLEASE, MARK, PLEASE!!" I struggle when I see Eduardo's face. He's furious with me. His head is tilted down to shadow his flaming red eyes, an intimidation tactic that gets me every time. He holds a half empty beer bottle in his left hand and takes a sip but going back to his dark look. I kick and punch Mark weakly in a sad attempt to get away.
       "You took something of mine. You took; My baseball that was signed by my favorite player. Now..." He takes off his leather belt slowly making it all the more frightening. "You must pay." He snaps the belt together creating a loud noise causing me to go into a panic attack. My lungs inflate and deflate at an alarming speed, making my esophagus feel a painful burn.
       "I promise you, I didn't take it!" I cough out. I struggle and struggle to fight, trying to get away from my abusive room mates. In the midst of it all; I see Jon. He is standing in the doorway just out of sight by Eduardo and Mark. He's shaking and staring at the back of Eduardo'd big head. I have one hand keeping me from choking to death by my shirt collar and the other reaches out in desperation for Jon's help. 
        "Help me!!" I cry out. "Please Jon- Help!!" I draw nearer to Eduardo. He didn't seem hear my plea, nor my cry while he was drowning in his power and anger over me. I'm basically under him as he towers over me, casting a dark shadow over my very soul, darkening my hope to it's last ray. I cower and hide my face from his as he speaks.
        "He won't help you." His voice is a deep monotone. "No one will." He raises the leather belt high above his head causing me to make a small pathetic whimper noise. This just makes Eduardo laugh hysterically at me. As the belt comes down; Time seems to slow and I'm stuck watching him swing his utter anger at my helpless body. I feel no emotions. I feel light and the room has been lifted from the situation as I look around. But suddenly I'm struck back into the real world by the physical pain caused by the leather hitting my skin. Repeatedly. He strikes not only my body but my soul, my will to live is in his hand. I begin to bleed onto the cold floor. The belt breaks away the skin I cried on a few minutes ago. My knees burn as thick red blood streams down to the floor. I cry and scream loudly for someone to help, but help is not coming. I'm bleeding out under Eduardo, screaming.
      "Eduardoooo!" The voice belonged to the famous world creator, Edd. "Get away from him. Now." No one in the room heard the door burst open nor the brunette open a fresh can of cola.
      "What the-- Edd? How'd you get in 'ere?" Eduardo glares at Edd then at Mark who is now whimpering just as I was. I stare at Edd from the floor as he steps in the room. Eduardo steps over me with a kick to the knee causing me to wince. Edward's face hardens and he stares down Eduardo and the room becomes their battlefield. Eduardo swings first yelling for him to get out.
     "You have no right to be here! Get the fuck out!" Eduardo hits Edd in the face with his fist and he falls to the ground holding his cheek. Tom and Matt were right behind him and they are pissed to find their friend on the ground by Eduardo's hand. Matt helps Edd back to his feet. Tom crouches down then lunges at Mark; like a cat. This was enough to send him flying out of the room like a bat out of hell. Eduardo watches this happen and Edd takes this opportunity to hit him. Edd leaps in front of him, taking his left shoulder in his hands and driving him into his arched knee causing Eduardo to clutch his stomach with a groan while Edd finishes it by swinging his elbow to his face. Eduardo falls to the floor unconscious. My face lights up as I was saved by an angel.
     "You don't deserve to be hurt..." Edd walks to me with the outside light behind him making his appearance so badass after what he did. 
     "B-but I--" I reach for his hand and take it weakly. He pulls me up but I almost tumble back to the ground from the pain. Edd surrounds me in his arms so I can stand properly. 
     "Shhh, you did nothing to deserve anything close to that pain. You're safe now." I begin to cry at his words and hugs him. 
     "Thank you..." I sob louder. "Thank you so much." I whisper through the tears as Edd holds me. Matt smiled behind Edd and Tom grimaced at our interaction.
    "So, uh... You guys gonna get married or what?" Tom shrugs slightly. Edd slowly turns to Tom, eyes glowing. 
     "We just saved him from an abusive home, Tom." Edd turns back to me with a soft, caring look. "I'll take care of him like my own." Tom cuts him off. 

    "-child? Hahhaaa" Tom laughs a bit. Edd smacks him teasingly on the head. 
    "No-- I mean." Edd shrugs. "You know what I mean..." I'm trembling while looking at Edd. I begin to cry again, but a silent cry. Matt is the only one to notice.
    "Awe, can we keep him?... Pleease?" Matt begs Edd. I look down at my feet. 
    "Right-" Edd nods and lets out a sigh. "You deserve a better home."
    "But I can't walk out of here... I'm not alow-" Edd puts a finger to my mouth. Then without another word he picks me up bridal style and carries me out of that nightmare

        into a new world.

Tom looks at you, "You and Edd, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage-" Matt pushes his face. 

       "Let the fanfiction end, Tom! It's already 1517 words and counting!!"
       "Way to break the fourth wall Matt...." Tom laughs at Matt putting his hands in his hoodie pockets. Edd sighs at both of them.
       "I thought we talked about the fourth wall, guys--" He whispers before the fanfiction ends.

[Hope you guys enjoyed it- My longest one so far ^u^ I'm happy with this one]

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