Red Leader X Reader

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        [Mmmkay! This one I like!]

       Third Person POV
        Another sweaty day flows by working for Red Leader. It was hot in the summer, but you enjoyed the discipline. Patryk was your primary worker/ Boss. Sort of. Red told you what to do through Patryk. Even on some days, you would see Red Leader giving orders to Paul and Patryk since they are the best of the best and they were chosen to be by his side at all times. 
God, you wish ya had that kind of luck... 

       Patryk's POV
     I take pride in my work. I take pride in communism. Never mind the young soldiers, they tend to screw up. But the one... They seemed to catch Red's attention. I do not see the impressiveness he does, but I have no say in who he takes interest in. I have to take a step back and watch at the sidelines with Paul.

        Your POV
       The days go by like wind, and the months go by like hell. I'd love it here if they had AC. Pat and Paul can stand it, so I have to grow up a little, I have to put up with the worst if I want to see the Leader. 
          I know I've only seen him and how how looks, that's the part of it though. He looks my type. Tall, handsome, strong, and that accent. I've only heard once. It's amazing. I could sit and dream all day about that unique hair style and the choice in color with the clothes. Daaaaaaaaaaamn.

       Oh shit, what'd I do? Oh, wait, how long was I sitting there thinking to myself? OOOoooBOi. I make my way to Patryk's office and knock.
               "Sir?... You called?" I ask a tad shyly but gulp down the lump in my throat.
               "Come on in, (Y/n)." I hear Pat move to his feet, preparing for a greet. I open the door and walk in. "(Y/n)," he says sternly, and I shrink back a tiny bit. "You've impressed him." He softens his look and tone.
               "What?" I am so confused I shake my head a bit stepping back. "Sir, I don't understand completely." I step back into  place and stand tall.
              "Red Leader wants you in his office tomorrow, 8 AM sharp." He nods and holds out a hand. I take it with an amused smile across my face.
              " Congratulations, (Y/n), you are the first noob to impress the big guy." He smiles but I sense a hint of jealousy.
              "Do you know what for?" I ask still in confusion.
              "Don't ask questions. I've told you this. Never questi-" the dialog turns to me, repeating what he tells me often.
              "-ion the King. I get it. Sorry." Patryk cocks his head and glares for a slick moment.
              "And no sass. You might get yourself killed." I stare at him in shock, THAT could get me KILLED. I open my mouth "Sir,-" Pat interrupts.
              "Ah, tsk tsk tsk. You don't need to be formal around me. Just remember, call him 'sir' 'Leader' 'King...' but not me."
      I nod and look to the left side of the room standing on my tip toes "Yes, si- Paaaatryk." I blush a light pink. "I tried."
Patryk chuckles,
               "And you did it. Now go on... Get some rest, you have a big day ahead of you."
      I rush out saying my thanks and scurry to my bunk.
Good night, old life.
             ~Time skip to 7:15 AM~

 Good morning, new life.
        I get dressed as fast as I could throwing on the basics, red turtle neck over a black tank top, grey-ish black cargo pants and the blue trench coat. Brushing my hair and teeth and I wash my face. All done. I glance at the clock long enough to see the time; 7:54 AM. SHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhit. I pack up and rush out the door. I know how he is about being punctual. I make it just in time and knock as I did yesterday.
               "Sir..?" I almost choke. "Enter the room." I open the door and walk in. "Sir, I heard you wanted to see me at 8, this morning." I take a step inside his pristine, dark oak room. It smells of rich willow wood and cigars.
               "Yes." Red is sitting the opposite way of me, I can't see him. "Have a seat." I sit without hesitation.
               "Yes, sir." He chuckles. "(Y/n), you've impressed me." I blush again. "I love your dedication to the army." He turns around, he's shirtless. I take a deep inhale and tense up. I see his scars and his new arm. It's sexy, and I'm blushing a shit load.
               "My, my... (Y/n). Are you uncomfortable with this?" He smirks and folds his hands while putting his elbows in the dark wooden desk.
              "Sir, no, sir." I look down. "(Y/n)~ Look at me." He stands, he's got pants on at least. I look his face. "Sir?..." 
       "Call me Tord."
                          "...Um...Tord, might I ask?"
                         "Why did you call me here."
       "For early morning sex."
                          "OH Okay... That's uh, great!"

      [Alright, that was fun... ;) sorry if I cut it off too soon.]

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