Chapter 16: Changing Her

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Brice's Pov

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Brice's Pov

I waited for Navii to finish Azaila's hair. I saw Quincy walking down the hallway as she greets me. Scratch that Navii, take your time. Do not let Quincy see Azalia.

I quickly saw Nicholas going back upstairs and prying Quincy away from this hall. I swear, I really need to hide Azaila from Quincy or else, they'll fight.

"Darling, you should wear this! It is so cute!" I could hear Navii squeling inside. "No thanks. I want to keep my attire this way," I heard Azaila answered. I chuckled at her answer then leaned against a wall.

Augustus quickly walked upstairs, looking around. I quickly stood straightly and looked sternly at him. He looked at me and glared, approaching Navii's room. I quickly got my sword and blocked the door.

"Don't," I said as he scoffed. "Why not?" He asked me as I pushed him off. He stared at me as I crossed my arms.

"Maybe because I don't want you to," I said as I heard the door click. Navii quickly went out without any Azaila inside her room. "Is there something wrong?" She asked as Augustus quickly kissed her hand.

"No, Darling. I was just checking on you but your brother didn't want me to," Augustus said as he kissed her forehead and walks away. When he was a bit far, I quickly went inside and saw Azaila fixing her hair.

"You look beautiful Azaila," I complimented her as she jumps a little since I just barged in to the room

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"You look beautiful Azaila," I complimented her as she jumps a little since I just barged in to the room. She quickly nodded and went to fix her hairpin again. It was different this time. Probably Navii getting another one.

She approached me and then hugged me. I hugged back and play with her hair. "Brother! It took me a long time to prepare that!" I hear Navii ranting about me messing it up a little.

"It just took you eight minutes Navii,"

"That's still long enough for me," she said as she crosses her arms. I chuckled and pulled away. "I guess that is quite long enough to fix her hair. It's quite cute too," I said as I grab Azaila's hand and walk out the door.

I then saw Nicholas approaching me. "My lord, it's been days and I couldn't see Anne anywhere," he said as I remained calm. Nicholas stared at me dumbfounded at my reaction while Azaila looked at me confusingly.

I quickly mentioned Nicholas to follow me as I was still grabbing Azaila's hand when we went to my study. I took out the letter from my desk and gave it to Nicholas. He quickly grab it from my hand and read it.

Nicholas' Pov

The prince gave me a letter as I quickly grab it from his hand and read it.

Dear Nicholas,

This is Anne. I know I didn't actually bid you goodbye personally but I just wanted you to know that I won't be coming back soon. I'm here at Finland with my long lost friend. I just found that out when she sent me a letter. Also, I'm going to study here for about a year or more. I'm not really sure.

I still have the locket you gave me. I'll try to come back soon so we could get a photo taken. Will that be alright? I guess so. Anyways, thank you Nicholas since you're a very cool person and all. I won't be that long.

Anne Campbell

Wait, she left? I quickly looked back to the prince who was talking with Azaila. "My lord, when was this letter given to you?" He quickly stared back at me and looked down.

"Yesterday," he said as I quickly nodded and went off. So that's why she gave me that bracelet. I quickly went to my room and sat on the bed. She left at the day of my birthday. She did gave me a gift but she didn't say goodbye. I didn't mind it though. If that was me, I would be nervous as well.

But just thinking that it would take long for her to come back really bothers me. How long will it take? Weeks? Months? Years?

Brice's Pov

Nicholas had left a while ago and I'm here, asking Azaila some questions. I was testing her to see if she would answer me truthfully.

"Who are you really?" I asked her as she looked at me confusingly. "W-What do you mean my lor-" I quickly interrupted her.

"Just call me Brice. Please," I said as she nodded. I quickly asked her the same question. This time, she answered it.

"My name is Azaila Cheryl Harper-"

"So, you're the princess of Denmark," I quickly interrupted as she looks away. "I do not want anyone to actually know that," she said as I quickly pat her head.

"Your secret is safe with me, my lady," I said as I quickly kissed her hand as she hugs me. "You really like hugging me, don't you princess?" She quickly hummed in response, making me smirk.

I quickly carried her bridal style, making her gasp. "Since you have no rooms prepared and my maid could spot you if you did have one, you'll be sleeping with me," she quickly turned red as I told her that.

I quickly went out of my study, still carrying her bridal style and went to my room. She helped me open it and closed it back. I lay her down the mattress and she quickly hugged a pillow. I lay down beside her, staring at her.

She sat up, looking at me while blushing. I quickly notice a makeup on her face. Probably Navii's fault. So, brushed it off a little bit to clear it off.

I saw her trying not to blush as she looks away. "Princess, there's a smudge on your face. I need to clear it off," she looks back at me and lets me do it.

"There," I said as she quickly lay down the bed with her hands on her face

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"There," I said as she quickly lay down the bed with her hands on her face. I looked down at her, trying to surprise her.

 I looked down at her, trying to surprise her

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She looked back then gasped. I quickly lay down laughing and stroke her hair, lovingly.

"Sleep for now, princess. I'll clean your wound later when you're awake," I said as I stood up. She quickly grabbed my hand, mentioning me to sleep beside her.

I sighed and followed. I just hope nobody sees me with her. Especially Quincy and Augustus.

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