Chapter 49: When You're Gone

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That was something stuck in my head after I woke up from my unconscious state. I thought that being shot was the end of me.

There were a lot of sayings that once you're shot on one of your critical nerves on the leg, it's going to be lethal.

It can be connected with some other veins or important parts - restraining your leg to function properly along with your other body system.

And knowing that there is a possibility terrified me.

So far, I was resting up a bit. There were no other damages since it was bandaged. Though, I feel the numbness on my right leg. It will probably better later. A bit tired but it will be fine, I thought.

Staring at Brice, who was currently sitting on my side with his eyes closed and hands on the bed, my thoughts lingered back at the event that happened earlier. I can't believe that Augustus had shot me that fast.

With that distance, it could've been a miss.

And it was really a surprise to know that I didn't notice him there.

Wincing from the pain that struck my leg, the only thing on my mind now was to stand up and get out from the bed.

My expectation to walk perfectly had vanished ever so suddenly when I had contact with the floor as soon as I tried to walk on my two legs - causing a loud thud and waking up Brice.

His eyes opened and looked towards me - suddenly pushing himself up from his seat and kneeled beside me.

As soon as he approached me, he held me in his arms and put his hand on my right leg. The tears that I held for so long had now escaped, a loud sob finally echoed throughout the room.

I couldn't feel anything. Not even his touch.

" right leg," I told him as his face formed a frown, head hung low as I tried to massage it with my right hand - pushing myself to feel something, even if it was just a tiny sensation or something that would assure me that it was still fine.

But, nothing came.

"Why can't I feel anything? My's-" Tears kept on rolling down from the corner of my eyes and unto my cheeks as my gaze turned towards to Brice.

And suddenly, my voice trailed off like that.

His sky blue eyes only gave me a sympathetic look before he stood up and looked away from me - trying to hide his face and trying not to talk to me, almost looked like he was even ready to leave.

I wanted to know. My eyes stared at his figure for so long. There was a pang on my chest.

Even my lover doesn't want me to know anything.

Was it broken? Paralyzed forever? I badly needed to know every detail.

"Brice..." The tone of my voice made him flinch. His hands were now in his pockets, not daring to say a word. "Brice, please. I don't want to feel helpless."

"Tell me...what's wrong with my leg? Why can't I feel anything?" I asked him as he just gave out a loud sigh, his hands brushing up his messy blonde hair.

"I already called a doctor. I think it's best if you'll hear it from him than tell you everything I know." A frown formed in my lips. I can't believe this. He won't tell me anything.

As he tried not to face me, he still managed to try and apologize about everything. "I'm sorry, Azi. This is all my fault."

"I shouldn't have let you be involved with me," he told me before he then insults himself with words that I didn't expect to hear from him.

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