Chapter 18: Princess with Guns?

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Navii's Pov

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Navii's Pov

I paced around my room, not knowing what to do. I really do ship my brother with Azaila but there was something off. I'm not really sure what.

I quickly stub something with my shoes, making me jump. I saw a box laying underneath my bed. I quickly crouched and opened it.

I quickly pulled it out and gasped. It was an M1911 that Brice used. Except it wasn't black. It was in ivory color.

I quickly picked it up and suddenly Brice barged in

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I quickly picked it up and suddenly Brice barged in. I quickly put it back but he quickly grabbed it. "Sorry for barging in like this. I knew you wanted to practice one of this before shooting someone so quickly and struggled," he said as he held out a hand for me.

I quickly took it and stood up. "I'm perfectly capable of my defense. Thanks but no thanks brother," I said as I held my hands up. He quickly chuckled and scoffed.

"You almost hit Nova's heart. Yet, you missed," he said as I pouted at him. I'm clearly a girl and I had no intention of learning guns! I'm a princess for damn sake.

"I'm not like you!"

"You soon will be. You'll need it," he said as he literally pulled me outside. I could see Quincy washing the dishes as Nicholas kept entertaining her.

I saw Azaila outside, waving at us. So, I waved back. Brice quickly took out the ivory gun, making me jump in shock.

He quickly laughed at my sudden reaction. "Easy there tiger. It's not loaded yet," he said as we both went to the shooting range as Azaila followed us.

Brice quickly took a hold on my hand, making me flinch as I held the gun tightly. The Nova one was just an accident. An instinct. Not this! I breathe deeply as Brice chuckled.

"We haven't even started yet you're scared," he teased as I quickly scoffed. "I'm not scared!" I yelled back at him as he took out a magazine case for the gun.

"So, here's the safety. You could turn it on or either off when you're shooting. When the safety is on, you can't shoot anyone accidentally. If the safety is off, you could pull the trigger, making a shot," he said as I nodded.

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