Chapter 23 (Gone)

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As I'm devouring my mint flavored ice cream there's an annoying tap on my bedroom door.

I groaned as I walked over to my new source of annoyance and the person behind only adds to this. "Hayley, I must speak with you." He says and I want to scream.

Why did mom let him up here??

I thought he left.

"Look. Hayley I know you don't want me here but I have something important to ask you."

"What is it?" I give in given that this scumbag of a father is persistent.

"Your brother was born last night." He says and wide smile takes over his face, bringing back memories of all the amazing times we had together as a family, but he tossed them away like they meant nothing to him.

I let out a chuckle. "I don't have a brother. That bastard of a child is nothing to me." I say and again his smile fades.

"I know right it's hard for you to handle but you're a smart girl and in time you'll get it."

"Get what? The only thing I'll be getting is back to my ice cream." I say and he steps past me and enters my room.

"You have no right to be mad at me! None! I have done my best to reach out to you and you shot me down everytime! Now I have a son in the hospital....nameless because I felt like I should have asked you for input! But you're to busy being rude and eating ice cream!" He yells at me, his face turning red as he uttered each word. I here footsteps approaching but they're too late; he flipped my crazy switch.

"No right?!? You left us! And how have you tried reaching out to me? By not showing up to court? By leaving us stranded while you pranced around with your whore?!? You've reached out to me by breaking my mother's heart to rubbles?!? Is that what you call reaching out? Huh?!?" I scream on the top my lungs. My mother rushes to me, throwing her arms around me as I shudder in anger.

"Leave." Her voice is low and her tone deadly.

My father is about to say something but my mother point to the door.

He gets the message and takes his sorry ass out.

I come undone in my mother's arms, bawling my eyes out. How did life get this complicated? I don't know what to do anymore.

I want to die.

I have no one.

I'm slacking off in school.

"Dear, dear" mom coos as she caresses my hair. "Its going to get better my child."


Harry's POV

I sit and wait patiently in class for Hayley to arrive. My breath hitches in my throat when she slowly trudges in the class in a black oversized sweatshirt hitting mid thigh and black tights with black Converses with her usual floral print Kipling bag on her back. Her head hangs low as she makes her way over.

I had no idea she owned such clothes.

Half of her hair is caught up in a messy bun and the other half in unkempt knots and matted to her tired looking face. Her usually bright face was pale and her eyes dull no longer holding the spark I grew to admire.

She plops down in the seat next to me without saying anything.

I look over at her then to the Mexican girl she's always with. Her worry filled eyes meet mine and I mouth "What's going on?"

She shrugs and turns around.

Hayley sits staring into space.

Okay, I'm actually getting very worried right now.  I miss her usually bone straight hair and ladybug dresses. I turn to her "Hi Hayley."

"Harry." She responds.

"I like your outfit." I chuckle. "It's very me." I tell her and she looks over at me.

My eyes scan her face and land on her full pink lips. I find myself caught in trance my them. She's adorable even while attempting to be gothic.

"Oh," is all she utters before she bursts into tears. Oh no.

I don't know what to do. I've never had to deal with crying girls before the only time girls cry around me is after we have mindblowing sex.

Her friend springs up and comes to her assistance, taking her out of the class and I'm eternally grateful.

I wonder what's going on?

My curiosity gets the better of me and I follow them out. The girl allows Hayley to sit on the steps and I hide in a corner and listen as Hayley spills her guts to her.

"Tess I'm so sorry!" Hayley cries. "I've been a bitch to you and here you are with me in my darkest times. I was so caught up in Harry and his pretty green eyes-"


"and it's all my fault you failed. And you're mad at me and now I don't have anyone. Justin wants me and I don't want him and I feel horrible for leading him on. I'm sorry for that. I should've been a better person and told him how I really felt like you said but I was being selfish and I'm sorry. Then my dad. . ." Hayley rambles through tears.

"Hales stop. I have a confession." Tess, I suppose her name is, sighs. "I was mad because I like Justin. I always have."


"I should've told you."

"Tess." Her voice is small. "How long?"

"Since we were ten." The embarrassment is evident.

I hear Hayley choke up more. I don't know what the fuck is going on but I can't walk away. Well I can. I just don't want to.

"Wait why didn't you tell me?" She croaks.

"I was ashamed. He liked you. Heck he loves you! To him I was always just Tess. No one else, nothing more. Just plain ole Tessanne."

A teacher, Mr. Donaldson passes me giving me the stink eye and I don't hesitate to return one.'s pity he doesn't like me as much as his wife does.

"I don't know what to say." I return my attention to Hayley and her friend. "My dad has a son."

"Oh." Is all her friend says and I get the feeling this is a touchy topic for the both of them.

"He doesn't have a name. He came over last night asking for suggestions and before you know we had a huge fight. " Hayley says.

At this point I begin feeling guilty for having eavesdropped on the their conversation so I walk away. Had Hayley done something like to me I would have cussed her the fuck out.

Returning to the lab I realize my teacher didn't show up so I pop out my phone and try to act as normal  as possible.


Really hoped you like this chapter...I wasn't to sure about it but nevertheless.

If you read this please leave a comment so I know people still actually read my book. 

Thanks much and have an awesome day or night...whichever.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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