Chapter 13

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"Jess!" I knock on her room door.

"Just a minute!" She calls back.

I head downstairs taking one last look at the dinner table, making sure everything is in place. The doorbell rings and mom nods, signalling for me to go get it.

I run my hand down my dress then take a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hello, I'm Hayley. Jessica's sister." I smile, extending my hand to a blonde haired boy with too many face piercings, only to have it swatted away.

"Wassup?!?" He screams in my face then pushes past me, entering the house. "Where's my girl?!?" He yells.

My eyes widen in utter shock at this boy's blatancy.

"I'm so sorry. He's just really excited to see her." The gorgeous woman wearing a lovely green dress apologizes for the boy's lack of formality. "I'm his mother, Cassandra." She smiles and shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you, come in." I step aside, inviting her in.

"Frankie!" Jessica squeals as she rushes down the stairs, in a black peplum dress paired with purple heels. Her bleached blonde hair is swept to the left and decorated with a floral crown. Frankie takes in her attire then engulfs her in an intimate hug.

They break away as my mother clears her throat.

"Good evening, I'm Mrs.Green." She steps into the room, she greets Frankie and then his mother. They exchange a few words before we are led into the dining room by my mother.

Mom takes her seat at the head of the table, while Jessica and Frankie sit next to each other across from his mother and I. Shortly after Tessa, walks in.

I don't miss the way Frankie's eyes travel up her body lustfully. He bites his bottom lip, before releasing it,  forming his lips into a smirk. "And who might this beautiful young lady be?" He wriggles his eyebrows and I resist the urge to reach over and slap him.

"Oh, that's Tessanne. But she prefers to be called Tess or Tessa." Jessica smiles unknowingly.

She's always been naive.

"She's like a sister to me." She adds.

" I see." He says still wriggling his bushy brows, never taking his brown eyes off Tess.

Tessa smiles and waves her hand shyly before scurrying over to me, sitting down. "He's weird." She whispers in my ear.

"Yes, yes he is." I reply in low voice.

My mother says grace then we dig into the delicious food prepared by Tessa and my mother."So what do you do?" Cassandra asks, breaking the silence.

"I'm a child psychologist." Mom says proudly. "What about you?"

"Well.... I'm a stay at home mom," Cassandra answers, sipping on her champagne.  " I do my best to keep my hardworking husband and kids happy." She beams.

"You know, my husband owns Lakewood Music Store, he works very hard to provide for us. " She adds.

I can tell mom is uncomfortable with this lady boasting about her husband by the way she's smiling.  I know how a genuine Kelsey Green smile looks, and the one I'm seeing now, definitely isn't it.

"Speaking of husbands, where's yours?" Cassandra asks, unaware of the tragic divorce, my mother had just months ago.

"I don't have a husband." Mom says in a voice so low, it could hardly be heard.

"I'm positive you introduced yourself as Mrs. Green." She chuckles.

Well, obviously this woman can't take a hint.

"How about we address the elephant in the room." My mother says propping her elbows on the table, seeming to regain her confidence. " You know, how your son had unprotected sex with my daughter." she says bitterly, drawing everyone's attention from their food and to her.

"Excuse me?!? Don't try to blame this all on Frankie now!" Cassandra defends her son.

"Oh really why not?" My mother says, glaring at Cassandra.

"It was consensual, mother." Jessica seethes, certainly displeased with the way our mother speaks to Cassandra.

"Stay out of this you!" My mother slams her hands down on the table, causing the plates to slightly shake. "You know what?!? She's right! This is  your fault! You're the one that opened your legs for the first guy that would have you!"  My mother shouts and Jessica's eyes start to water. Everyone is shocked by my mom's outburst. She seems to realize what she said as her eyes widen and she begins to apologize to Jess, who is already on her feet and moving towards the stairs.

"You'd think the child psychologist would know how to handle her own child," Cassandra pokes fun at my mother. Mom rolls her eyes and chases after Jessica. I look over at Frankie who seems rather entertained. He has he phone in his hands and almost appears to be........ is he recording this???

"What are you doing?" I ask him and he turns to me,  with his iPhone still in hand.  

"Nothing." He shrugs. I know he's lying.

"You little fuc..." Tessa is ready to attack him but I stop her.

"Tess please, don't encourage this. We really don't to make this night any worse." I say.

 " Well, at least one of you has a brain that's working." Cassandra says.

"And you, my mother is going through a lot right now and she's doing her best to keep her anger at bay and no offense, but your presence really isn't helping with that. So I think you should leave." I say as politely as possible.

" I'm sorry." She apologizes, " It really wasn't my intention to cause any trouble."

"I'm sure it wasn't." I smile, "Thanks for coming and have a good night." I close the door behind them and turn to Tessa. "Well that was awkward."

"Yeah." She sighs.

Today has been long and drama filled and the only thing I want to do now, is go up to my room and sleep. Its been about an hour since that dinner with my sister's boyfriend and his mother and I'm in my room listening.....well pretending to listen to Tessa, rant about some clerk at Macy's that told her she looks like a size four even though she's a two. I'd be a liar, if I said that I tried to seem interested. My mind is occupied by a certain long haired charmer and how mom exploded at dinner.

I'm a little worried about her. I know the divorce took a serious toll on her and she's trying, but that isn't a good enough excuse for what she said to Jessica tonight. I haven't seen either of them since and I hope they're working things out. My thoughts are interrupted by a knocking.

"Come on in!" Tessa calls.

My eyes are greeted with a petite, tear stained face girl, wearing purple PJ's holding a Samsung in her trembling hands.

" Everything okay?"

She shakes her head.

"Come here." Tessa pats the bed and my little sister joins us.

"Lo..Look what Frankie did." She cries, her cheeks and nose are rosy. Jessica hands me her phone and I tap on the username "FranklinTheDestroyer".

I watch Frankie's Snapchat of mom yelling at Jessica with the caption 'Psycho Bitch' and a picture of everyone at table captioned 'Night From Hell'.

"Jessie I'm sorry." Tessa apologizes.

"Why would he do this? He humiliated me." Jessica begins to cry and I reach over to hug her then Tessa joins in on our hug.

"He's a jerk," I state and she nods, wiping away her tears.


So, Harry'll be back in the next chapter by the way. I kinda missed him :(
What do you think of Frankie and his mother?

"You're the one that I want at the end of the day"

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