Hide and Seek (Long Poem)

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My life is a game of hide and seek.

I will hide,

and I will seek,

until I whither my life away.

As I seek,

I where a mask,

a mask that reflects what I'm searching for.

A mask that shows that I'm full.

But I'm not.

As I hide,

I am free.

Free to be myself,

free to be me,

as long as no one can see.

But I'm not.

When I seek,

I must hide.

When I hide,

I must seek.

I need to find myself,

but I am pressured to hide myself.

I seek for myself.

I hide from myself.

I avoid myself,

and I repel myself.

I am two halves of a whole.

When I find myself,

I divide myself,

and the cycle repeats.

Over and over again.

Until I am nothing.

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