It's Always Been This Way

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A tall figure walked menacingly towards the two of us as we both looked up. Red was sweating bullets at this point, and he started to shake. It's like he was petrified of his own brother.

"Sans...." Fell said as he glared down at his brother.
"You look rather worn out... have you been running?"

"Uh, n-no Boss. I've been here ever since my shift s-started" Red stuttered frantically.

"YOU'RE LYING!" Fell shouted as he yanked Red up by the collar and held him infront of his face.

"I'd punish you, Sans but it would be rude to hit you infront of our new guest..." he whispered evily as he looked at me, frowning.

He suddenly dropped Red in the snow and walked over to me. I tried to back away but I found my spine backed up against a tree. 

"If you even try to escape my brothers company, I'll make sure I find you. And you'll pay." He said bitterly. He was so close I could feel his breath on my face, but I stood my ground. I wasn't gonna let him tell me what to do. I eventually couldn't stop myself from leaning away though, since I couldn't stand the guy.

He smiled and patted me on my head and I shrunk away from the touch.

"Good boy" he grinned.
"I'll see you later, yes?"

"Sure, pal. See you later." I glared.

He chuckled as he walked away from me. He looked down at Red who was still on the floor, but sitting up now.
"See you at home, Sans." He said, barely even mumbling his words.

Me and Red watched as Fell walked  away, his posture screaming that he thought he was better than everyone else. 

Once he'd finally disappeared from sight, I decided it would be best to help Red. Living with your brother can be pretty tough in general, but this? This is ridiculous.

I walked over to Red. He'd stopped shaking for now but his eyes were fixed onto a point on the floor and he wasn't even blinking.

"Hey, Red? Are you alright?" I asked, trying to give a reassuring tone. I thought it best not to touch him since I didn't want to make him feel any worse than he did now.

"Am I alright?" He repeated, laughing slightly as he said the words.
"Yeah. I'm fine. I'll deal with it. It's not like I'm not used to it." He sighed.

I normally don't care about people's soppy stories, but this really broke my heart. Did Fell even love his brother? It's obvious Red still loves Fell, but.. after all he's been through.. How can he still have faith in the idiot?

"Does he not love you? Your brother?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"Love? The only love we have here is Level Of Violence. But no. He hasn't for a long time." He mumbled miserably, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Wow. Why do you even bother if he treats you like trash?" I asked, hoping not to trigger any emotions with him.

"Heh. Papyrus is so cool, and what does he get in return? A useless brother who has more freaking problems than Asgore has flowers. I really do try to listen to him and do as he tells me. It's just hard to keep it together when you're breaking inside." Red said in the most sorrowful voice I had ever heard.

"How long has this been going on for? Does he really hit you?" I questioned.
I couldn't tell if I was getting on his nerves or not since his face showed no emotion. I didn't want to completely bombarde him with questions.

"Its always been this way. For as long as I can remember. I've never fought back because there's no point. If I tried, I would either get put down by him or get kicked out. If I got kicked out, then anybody on the streets would try and dust me anyway. The only reason I'm not dead yet is because I'm the brother of Papyrus, Captain of the Royal Guard."

He shouted the last part and I could feel his pain in the words that came out of his mouth. Red suddenly started to shake again and I put an arm around his shoulders to comfort him.

I could see the sheer amount of emotions running through him. They must have been too overwhelming, because he couldn't stop the tears that rolled slowly down his cheekbones.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I can't say I understand how you feel because I've never been in your place before, but I can see how much this hurts you." I said, attempting to sooth him.

"You'll never understand what this feels like" he growled.

Heavy snow was beginning to fall and the wind was already howling fiercely. I looked over to Red who had his head in his knees and was trembling almost uncontrollably now.

"Come on, buddy. Stand up and you can sit down on your chair. You only have 20 minutes until your shift ends. Then we can go back to your house and maybe relax a bit and watch TV. It'll be ok. I'll do my best to protect you from your brother." I said sincerely.

"Good luck with that one, heh. But alright. We only have 20 minutes. Might aswell make the most of it though, huh?" He smiled weakly.

I smiled back and helped him up. I tried to put my arm around him again  but he pulled away.

"Thanks, but I can walk by myself y'know." He retorted sharply.

"Fine. Do what you want." I smirked

We sat for the last 20 minutes of the work shift and gossiped about the differences and similarities of our universes. Eventually though, the shift ended and we walked back to Red's house, talking cheerliy to each other. Once we finally made it back we looked at eachother and beamed. It was nice to see Red happy.

We had a whole hour to ourselves to relax and do nothing. And nobody could do anything about it.

A Coincidence (Sans X UF Sans) SanscestWhere stories live. Discover now