The Way Things Work Down Here

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Unfortunately for us, it didn't take too long for Fell to get back. If it was like my universe, his shift would finish about an hour after mine, which sometimes left me to do things Papyrus wouldn't normally let me do when he was around. Like literally down a bottle of ketchup in 10 seconds.

This wasn't the case in this universe, however. Red was trying to set anything right that could possibly have been wrong. He straightened the table cloth, did the dishes and even tidied his room, which I honestly never do.

I tried to offer my help to Red but he seemed to want to clean the place alone and independently. I really don't understand how a relationship between two brothers could be so controlling and unfair.

As soon as Fell walked through the door, he shot a hateful glare at his brother, who cowered underneath him. Fell observed the downstairs of the house as if he was trying to look for something.

"Hmm. So I gather you've tidied the house, Sans?" Fell questioned, still scanning the room with his flaming eyes.

"U-um yes, Boss" Red responded, stuttering once again.

"Hmm. Then I also assume you've done all of your laundry?" Fell asked raising a non-existent eyebrow.

You could see the fear on Red's face as soon as the words came out of Fell's mouth, for he began to sweat profusely.

"U-um well, you see B-boss.. I didn't really.. get enough time to d-do that... I got a little side-tracked whilst trying to make everything else p-perfect." Red said frantically, attempting to find a way out of the situation he was cornered in.

"Pitiful." Fell growled.
"After all I've done for you, you're not even capable of washing your own clothes? How pathetic. It's like you're ungrateful for everything I go through!" Fell shouted as anger clearly grew on his face.

"N-no Boss! Of course I'm grateful! I'm grateful for everything you've done! I just didn't get time to do it. I'll do it now, and then it'll all be ok! I promise." Red said desperatly trying to make Fell see sense.

"Don't bother! You're so useless that you'll probably just mess it up. Like everything else, right?" The taller skeleton said as he towered over Red.

"Yes Boss... y-you're right.."

"Of course I am. Now go upstairs and stay there until I tell you to come back down. You can go too, Bear." He smirked as he looked spitefully at me.

I glared back at the excuse of a brother and tried to get Red to move and go upstairs. He was shaking uncontrollably again and I could see tears in his eyesockets. I grabbed his jacket hood and pulled him up from the couch, practically dragging him to the stairs before he gathered his thoughts and began to walk on his own.

Fell watched us both as we marched up the stairs to Red's room. I shut the door behind us and walked over to the bed where we both sat down silently.

"Hey.. are you alright, pal?" I asked, trying to get rid of the awkward silence filling the air.

"I guess. These kind of things happen daily, so I guess I'm not really surprised." Red said, lifting his head to look at me. He smiled a sad smile, which made my soul completely melt.
This guy leads a pretty tough life.

Words can't express how much I hate Fell for treating his brother so badly. Why would you go out of your way to make someone so miserable, who you're supposed to love and care about?

"Hey.. I dunno if you're up for answering questions, but why does your brother treat you like you're nothing? Did you do something that could've made him mad?" I asked.

"Nah, I didn't do anything. It might be different in your universe, but here, it's kill or be killed." Red said as he looked down at the floor again.

"People here will try to dust eachother all the time. If you're weak, you're just seen as a target for everybody else. I'm seen as weak because I never kill anybody, and I would be dead by now if it weren't for Boss. It would be wrong to say he doesn't protect me, because he does. He looks after me too, but he never shows that he actually cares about me. I guess It's also the fact that he's Captain of The Royal Guard. Nobody would dare to mess with the brother of someone who's so important. I don't really know why he bothers with me..." Red sobbed.

I awkwardly patted Red's back. I honestly have no idea how to deal with other people's emotions, even though I do seem to understand them.

I sighed sympathetically. There must have been something that started all of this. I just had to find out what, and then maybe I can help Red to sort things out with his brother.

Who knows? Maybe I can make them like me and Papyrus?



I scowled to myself as I slammed the pot in my hands angrily onto the ovens heat ring. Why does my brother have to be so pathetic? Is it really that hard to do something so simple? It seems he's made some sort of alliance with that clone of his. They better not be planning something, because if they are, I'll let them know who's in charge.

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft cough coming from the door of the kitchen, and I turned around to see a figure standing in the way of the light. I heard a quiet chuckle follow after.

"Hey there, buddy. I've just come to have a nice little chat with you..."

A Coincidence (Sans X UF Sans) SanscestWhere stories live. Discover now