✟ ¢нαρтєя єℓєνєи ✟

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I awoke feeling groggy. My lower back ached, and my body felt like it was on fire. I rolled onto my side to find the bed empty with just me occupying it. I pursed my lips and huffed.

Huh, so he bangs me in my delirious state then bolts? What a fucking coward. I sat up slowly, cringing at the pang of pain in my behind. I rubbed soothing circles into my forehead, a headache throbbing behind the skin.

I reached up and placed my hand on my neck, the bandage rough beneath my fingers. My eyelids lowered, and I sighed. It seemed so...surreal. It shouldn't have happened like this. I mean, he bites me, leaves me half dead, fucks me then leaves.

Anger flooded my veins, my fingers clenching into fists. I swung my feet over the edge of the bed, standing quickly. I swayed, placing my sweaty palm on my forehead.

Ugh, head-rush, I thought to myself as I staggered out of my bedroom into the hallway. A chill tickled down my spine. The house was cold. I shuddered and crept down the wooden stairs, the old wood to creaking beneath my weight with every step. My bare feet padded down the hallway to the kitchen where I could hear the shrill sound of a kettle whistling. I popped my head inside the door - Krizstián stood at the old gas stove pouring boiling water from the kettle into a ceramic mug.

I leant against the wooden doorframe, crossing my arms over my chest. I cleared my throat, and I watched in amusement as the vampire before me flinched, dropping the mug from his hand. The ceramic mug cracked as it hit the edge of the bench top before it completely shattered on the floor. I stared at it, an amused smirk on my lips. Hot liquid began to be soaked up by the wood.

"A-Amai, you're awake," he turned to face me, hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt. I frowned, my hand instantly reaching for my bandaged neck. He froze, eyes averted to the floor. I could hear drips - the boiled water was dripping through the floorboards to the cellar.

"So," I began, eyelids lowering slightly, my hand placing itself on my hip, "what happened yesterday?" His shoulders tensed. "Your brother carries you into my home - you're convulsing and hacking up blood. You were poisoned with a lethal poison, and I was wondering why you didn't die." I folded my arms again. "It's 'cause you're not alive, right?"

He nodded slowly, fingertips hastily being chewed in his mouth.

"Then, only after I've given you water," I frowned, "you awaken, then you proceed to make out with me before biting me."

He opened his mouth, then closed it, lavender gaze trained on his feet. "I had been putting off drinking any blood for a while. And my need...I couldn't control it."

I pursed my lips. "Krizstián, I could care less that you bit me. Well, I do," I averted my chocolate gaze, "after all, you patched me up and took me to my bed." His lips twitched as he smiled ever so slightly. "But," his smile fell. "I awoke to you molesting me." I glared, my teeth digging into my lip. "And...my head was cloudy, so I said incoherent things - so you then proceed to have sex with me in my delirious state?" I pushed my body off from the doorframe, my hands planting themselves at my hips.

"...but...you wanted it, Amai." He whispered softly. "I'm sorry. I am."

"..." I huffed. "So what if I did? When people lose ridiculous amounts of blood, they become delirious. It's similar to being drunk, I guess...in some ways." I stared at his face. "I said things that were on my mind with no comprehension of anything I was saying. I don't even remember most of what went on after you bit me, anyway." I looked away, chocolate hair swishing.

"You told me you loved me." He said simply. My eyes widened and a fiery blush consumed my cheeks.

"...I...what?" I turned to face him, my hands balled at my sides. He snickered, hands placed on his hips.

"You said you loved me. You said you wanted it. And you loved every second of it." He stalked forwards, and I backed up. My back pressed against a wall, and he placed his arm above my head, forehead pressed against my own. His breath fanned over my inflamed cheeks, and his eyes darted to my lips briefly.

I placed my hand on his chest, pushing against him. "I'm not denying the fact that I love you," his breath hitched. "'Cause I do. But I...I-"

His lips capturing my own interrupted my rambling. I groaned softly, my fingers tangling in his shirt. His arms snaked around my waist, tongue tangling with my own. I inhaled a sharp breath, pulling my mouth from his. Saliva coated my bruised lips, and heavy pants escaped my lungs.

"Don't," I heaved. "Please, I'm just..." my gaze drops to his chest, so I could look anywhere but his face.

"Just what?" He purred, lips brushing my own delicately. I shivered, pushing him further away.

"Not in the right state of mind." I mumbled, my brown hair falling into my eyes. He sighed softly, brushing my fringe with his fingertips out of my sight.

"You're precious to me," he whispered, lips against my cheek as his arms pulled me tighter into his body. "I'll give you as much space as you need." He stepped back, and my body felt cold without his body enveloping my own.

I walked past him to the kitchen. I crouched down and began to pick up the broken ceramic pieces. I stared at the big piece in my hand. I sliced it across my finger, wincing at the minimal pain that shot up my nerves. I watched as rose coloured blood dribbled from the slit in my flesh. I turned and held my bleeding hand up to Krizstián, who dashed forwards and grabbed my hand gently, crouching beside me.

"Why...why did you do that..." he stuttered, raising my finger to his lips, velvet tongue darting out and lapping up the hot red substance coating my ligament. I shivered, eyes intent as he suckled the blood from my finger. This was nice.

And honestly, for once I was content.

WELL big change from last chapter!!!
Word count: 1103
Date: 04/07/17
oh and check out my new NaruSasu story, Childhood Friends.
Kenny out!

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