I'm at a party and I've got nothing to do. I really need more friends. Why is it to so hard for me to make friends. I sorta dazed off for a couple seconds when in walks a group of boys. One of them looks really familiar or her just got one of those faces you know....
No he doesn't have one of those faces I know him. But from where. My memory is amazing but at times it can betray me. He looked over at me and stared at me for a while and I stared back. He walked towards me still examining my face. *Hi I'm sorry do I know you from some where?* *Im not sure* I cleared my throat to finish my sentence until he cut me off *Im mike and youuuu areeee* he said extending his last words. His name was so familiar too but his name isn't that rare so who knows. *Im Amy, Amy Etem*
*Holyyy you might not remember me but we had small talk last year.....* *nope I don't remember where exactly did we talk?* *the park, you were out on a walk and I was watching over my sister on the swings.* *oh yeaaah the cre...never mind I should be heading out* almost screwed myself there was about to say creep but wouldn't mess with a guy that stares at you for the longest time. *No no don't leave. Don't you think this is fate... you know me and you bumping into eachother like this* *yeah sure call it fate if you want but I don't believe in that* I lied anything to get away from there. I started walking out of the kitchen when he yanked my hand and brought me close enough to whisper in my ear whilst putting his hand real close to my purse. I instinctively clutched onto my purse until he said *you sure look as great as I remember* and left me there dumbfounded.
It's fine Amy just one cat call. It won't matter. I looked to see what he put into my purse....
It was his number with a wonky face saying call me.
This belongs in only one place the trash. Luckily it was next to me so I dumped it and walked away.
Over the crowds I was looking for new friends. I'm not the best at socializing so I needed to find someone like me. On the couch in the middle of a party sat a girl reading a book while music blasted in her ears. Now me.creep this is what I call fate. Then again I can't judge a book by its cover since rose can look so innocent.
Time to start a conversation *hi I'm Amy, what book are you reading?* *Im reading this is where it ends.* *whose the author?* *Marieke Nijkamp*
*wait I think I read that before. I binged on the book for the longest time.* *oh wait I'm sorry my name is Lisa forgot to mention it and really. You read?* she gave me questioning eyes. The lesson of don't judge a book by its cover really needs to be learned. I laughed a little about that *yeah I read. I don't want to spoil anything but the brother of one of the main characters traps everyone in the auditorium to shoot them am I right?* she looked at me stunned. *lisa never judge a book by its cover. You are actually holding a book with chalks on it but inside has so much meaning. Everyone is a book but we never know their full story* I got deep there but oh well you only live once. *i love that concept. We should talk more.* *why not talk now. I mean seriously Lisa your sitting on a couch with a book in your hand annnnd I have no friends* she giggled. *mmmmkay fine are we going to find more people to talk to I'm guessing* *yup all you have to do is set up bait. Look at the most innocent ones* *wait a minute did you do this for me?* *maybe maybe not* *first of all that's creepy and secondly didn't you just tell me not to judge anyone by looks* *to answer both questions it's not creepy it's more investigative like a cop on a crime scene and secondly yes I did. I lied I don't care about lessons* *you are a bad person to be around but I love it* *im not that bad of a person it's just you hang around too many good people when you see me I give you thrill*
I try to convince people they need me in life but reality is I need them. I would go insane without people to talk to. I like to fix people. Fix problems people have. It's like if I fix someone they don't have problems meaning I don't have one less problem to face. Instead of bringing in problems I fix them.
Save Amy
JugendliteraturAmy is given one shot at her new school. Will she make it out of those snarky comments about her past or will she live the rest of her high school as the unwanted new girl. Read through the pages of her life as she goes through being bullied, family...