Chapter 25: Remember

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Skylar's POV

While Peter was still knocked out I started to remember the day we first met.


I was walking down the hall to my next class when I noticed the jock of the school Flash Thompson picking on poor Peter Parker I think his name is. So I decided to go over to them. I knew Flash had a crush on me all of the jocks did.

Flash: hey Skylar what's up
Me: oh hi Flish. Your Peter right?
Peter: um-uh Ye-yes.
Me: do you want to come hang out me?
Peter: Ye-yeah su-sure.
Me: ok come on

And I held me hand out for him to take. He hesitantly took it then I started dragging him to behind the bleachers by the football field. When I got a closer look at him I realized how cute he looked. And his stutter was adorable.

Me: so. Does that happen a lot? Flash picking on you?
Peter: uh, um well yeah I-it does but I'm, I'm used to it by now
Me: I'm so sorry. I've always hated that guy anyway. He thinks he'll be worshiped by every girl. Well reality check Boi. There's two girls that literally despise him.
Peter: wh-who is that. I-I know you hate him bu-but who else?
Me: Michele, she's my friend.
Peter: c-cool.
Me: oh yeah I forgot. Hi I'm Skykar Lewis.
Peter: Pe-Peter Parker. Nice to m-meet you Skylar.
Me: so what do you wanna do?
Peter: uh I'm up for an-anything
Me: ok... TAG YOURE IT!!

Then I start sprinting off onto the football field with Peter catching up on me and as soon as I know it he picked me up and spun me around. Then he instantly sets you down and a light pink blush crept up on his face. Probably contact with a girl.

Peter: s-sorry.
Me: it's ok. You're really sweet you know that?
Peter: I-I am?
Me: yeah. You're awesome.

Then that was the beginning of a blossoming friendship too strong to break.

Flashback ended

That was the day you two were attached to each other like glue.

Then I start to think about when we had our first kiss and officially started dating.


I was walking around town and went to get Starbucks. I ordered a Unicorn Frappe chino and when I turned around I accidentally spilt it all over the person behind me's shirt.

Me: I am so sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm so clumsy!
?: Sk-Skylar?

I look up and notice that the person I've spilt my drink on was my bestest friend from school Peter Parker.

Me: Peter? What are you doing here?
Peter: I-I came to visit Ned h-he came here for the summer and is s-staying with his uncle.
Me: I've missed you so much.
Peter: I-I missed you too.
Me: let's go buy you a new shirt.
Peter: Skylar you don't have to.
Me: but I want to please. It also gives me an excuse to throw a fashion show!
Peter: oh my god.

Me and Peter spend a couple of hours going to a few of the stores and he throws off a great fashion show. And did silly poses that made me laugh really hard. Then we decide to go for a stroll in the empty park.

Peter:  hey um S-Sky?
Me: yeah?
Peter: th-there's something I-I wanna tell you.
Me: ok.
Peter: Skylar I-I really like you an-and the day we b-became was one of the greatest days of m-my life. And A while a-after being friends I s-started to feel something more. Skylar w-will you go out w-with me?
Me: of course Peter I'd love to go out with you
Peter: oh thank god. I-I was really nervous that you would s-say no a-and I would have ruined our fr-friendship—

And I cut him off with a kiss before he could finish talking. He automatically wraps him arms round me waist and mine around his neck playing with his hair. I guess he wasn't awkward about physical contact with you anymore. Soon I had to break the kiss because I needed air to breathe. I tried to speak but he cut me off with another kiss. It was passionate and his lips were soft. Then he broke apart the kiss smiling at me with a big dorky smile that I love.

Me: you have the dorkiest smile.
Peter: ok then.
Me:  But I love it.
Peter: I love everything about you. Your perfect.

End of Flashback

Remembering those days brought a smile to my face. Then I felt Peter's hand grab a hold of mine. I love him.

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