Starlight (4)

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London was Noah's favorite place for him to take pictures of the attractions they visited. From London Eye to Westminster Abbey. Buckingham Palace to Kensington Palace.

One thing that Noah also loved was history, which fortunately for him, was what London had to offer. While he may have learned world history he never had the chance to see the famous places in person until now.

However, while things seemed to be better, he was still haunted in his dreams. His lips would be red, and he would have bruises underneath his eyes. His skin would be pale white. His dream self would be staring at him as pale white arms came up from behind him, and wrapped themselves around him.

 His dream self would be staring at him as pale white arms came up from behind him, and wrapped themselves around him

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He would wake himself up at that point unsure of what he that meant. He didn't tell his friends what he would see in his dreams since he didn't want to alarm them. They believed he was getting better, which wasn't wrong, but not correct either.

Tonight was one of those nights he had that dream again. Not feeling like he was going to go back to sleep he decided to call Charlie since he knew it wasn't night time there.

"Hey Dad, how have you been?" Noah greeted quietly once Charlie answered the call.

"Noah? Isn't it late at night where you are at right now?" Charlie voice asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, but I've had trouble sleeping, so I decided on calling you to see how you and Bella are doing." Noah sighed looking up at his ceiling.

"I'm doing fine, but you're not the only one that has trouble sleeping. Bella has been waking up in the middle of the night screaming." Charlie said making Noah sit up in his bed concern washing over him.

"She has? Has she not been doing well?" Noah asked feeling bad that Bella is still not getting over the break up.

"Well, I told her I was going to be sending her to Jacksonville to stay with your mom, but she didn't want to. She said that she was going to go out with her friends tonight for a...girls night." Charlie explained to Noah.

"Girls night? I didn't think Bella was into that." Noah said thinking of the idea of Bella doing a girls night.

Charlie sighed, "Me neither, but anyway how have you been. Are you getting better?"

Noah nodded even though Charlie couldn't see him, "Yeah I've been getting better. My friends have been helping me a lot."

"That's good. I'm glad you're getting better. Well, I better let you go, so you can sleep. I love you Noah." Charlie said making Noah smile.

"I love you too Dad. I'll be coming back with some gifts." Noah said before he hanged up, and turned to his side trying to go back to sleep.

Starlight ~ Rosalie Hale [2]Where stories live. Discover now