Starlight (10)

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As soon as Noah got out of the car he was immediately brought into a hug that would have crushed him if he was still human.

"Hello Alice, I missed you too." Noah said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh its so good to see you Noah!" Alice squealed as she bounced back, "The wedding was absolutely beautiful, however, there better be another one so we can attend to it."

Noah laughed a little looking at Rosalie, whom rolled her eyes smiling." I'm sure we'll plan something in the future."

Noah looked towards the house seeing the rest of the Cullens walking out. He notice that Edward was not present with the others. Esme smiled softly at him as she gave him a hug.

"I'm so sorry for the way we left Noah." Esme said softly rubbing his back, "However, I'm glad I have another son."

"Glad to have another brother to have fun with." Emmett smirked crossing his arms, "It's been boring around here."

"I'm sure you two will have fun, but Noah probably should hunt after the long traveling." Carlisle said stepping in. He looked at Noah smiling, "It's great to have you in the family again."

Noah smiled at him, "It's great to be back."


"Jasper, tell Alice that I'm not some Ken doll that she could just dress up." Noah said as he walked into the living room. Alice was following him holding some clothes.

Since he's gotten here he's been catching up with the others. Noah immediately told Jasper that it wasn't his fault for what had happened at Bella's birthday party, and became really good friends.

"I'm sorry Noah," Jasper said with a frown and shrug."but there isn't much I could say for her not to."

Noah was about to say something when he saw Jasper look alarm, and move behind him to Alice. Noah turned around and saw Alice frozen staring off in the distance. He realized that she was having a vision.

"What did you see Alice?" Jasper asked when he saw an alarmed look appear on Alice's face.

"Bella...she jumped off a cliff...I-I can't see her future anymore." Alice stuttered looking between Jasper and Noah, "It's just black."

"We've got to go check on her. We-We've got to do something." Noah said in shock feeling scared that he may have lost his younger sister.

"I'll go check on her. Don't tell anyone else so they don't go tell Edward." Alice said before she turned to walk out of the room.

"Hold on." Noah said grabbing her arm, "I'm going with you as well."

"Noah, you can't come with me." Alice sighed turning to face him. "You're still a newborn you don't have very good control."

"It's too dangerous for you Noah. We can't risk it." Jasper said putting a hand on Noah's shoulder.

"I did fine when Rosalie and I travel up here. Plus, that's my little sister. I need to know if she's ok for myself." Noah said not backing down.

Alice and Jasper looked at each other silently communicating. Alice shook her head looking back at Noah. "Ok, you can come with me. We have to hurry though."

Noah nodded before following Alice out of the house quickly. However, what the three didn't know was that a certain blonde bombshell was listening in to their conversation.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter even though it was short. However, I did make it short for a reason. I originally planned to have this be the last chapter before the epilogue, but I changed my mind.

I will release the last chapter and epilogue tomorrow to make up with the short chapter. This chapter was to introduce the Cullens back.

Starlight ~ Rosalie Hale [2]Where stories live. Discover now