Sunburn (3)

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"Man, I'm freezing out here." Noah commented tucking his hands in his black leather jacket.

"Noah, you're a vampire." Jasper said as he shook his head, "You can't get cold."

"I was just stating something I would've said if I was able to get cold." Noah shrugged bored that he was just watching his old house for a long time and would rather be spending time with Rosalie.

Someone must've read his thoughts, and no it was not Edward, when Alice and Emmett showed up behind them. Noah flashed them a smile before running back to see Rosalie.

However, before he made it to the house he decided to hunt since its been a while.

As he caught the scent of a deer a different smell caught his attention. It the most delicious smell ever, beside Rosalie.

You know how in Finding Nemo where Dory hits her nose and blood floats up to Bruce's nose. Then, when he breaths it in his pupils blow out and he gets a big smile. That's exactly how it was for Noah.

He immediately towards only focused on tasting whatever it was. He slowed down as he saw blood on the ground before seeing a trail of it. He closed his eyes hearing the fast beating of a heart. What he did next would become his biggest mistake he has made.

He lunged towards what he assumed was an animal before sinking his teeth in it feeling it struggle. The blood was the most refreshing thing he has ever drank so far. It was so soothing on his throat, like a sore throat going away. Or drinking cold water after being out in the heat.

"I told you he would have fallen for it." A familiar voiced purred that made him snap his head up. "He's not strong enough to drink human blood."

He looked as Victoria walked out of the woods smiling. Noah looked down staring in horror at the pale face of a man staring up at the sky.

"No...I-I..." Noah stuttered moving away from the body. He knew if he was able to he would've thrown up.

"You were so consumed by the scent you just assumed it was a animal. You didn't even check if it was a human." Victoria smiled as she watched Noah break down.

Noah looked down feeling the blood down his chin. He thought he had control, but he got too confident. One was smell of blood he was immediately a thoughtless monster with one goal in mind.

Victoria looked over at Riley and nodded. Before they moved towards Noah they paused when they heard the multiple footsteps running to the area.

"Well, it was nice seeing you Noah. Hope you enjoyed the dinner I brought you." Victoria smirked before running away with Riley following.

After they disappeared Rosalie, Carlisle, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper appeared looking at the scene.

"We were too late." Alice said staring at Noah sadly holding Jasper's arm, whom was holding his breath.

"Rosalie, take him back to the house. He's going to need your help." Carlisle said planning to move the body.

Rosalie nodded taking Noah's arm and leading him away. The only thing that was worrying her was that he was not reacting at all. He was just emotionless.


"Noah, it was just a slip. You're still new to this, and it was only once." Rosalie told Noah as she held him in her arms.

He locked himself in their room not talking to anyone. Everyone went in trying to get him to talk and reassure him. The only one he didn't let in was Bella since he was afraid he was going to attack her.

"I didn't even know the difference." Noah muttered for the first time.

"What didn't you know?" Rosalie asked happy that he said something.

"The difference in human blood and animal blood." Noah answered turning to look at her, "I just assumed it was an animal I never encountered."

"And now we know how to prevent that from happening again. Beside it wasn't your fault." Rosalie said making Noah frown.

"How was it not my fault? I just killed a man, Rosalie!" Noah sat up moving out her arms feeling frustrated.

"It is was Victoria's fault, Noah. Carlisle inspected the body and found multiple broken bones and bite marks on it. If anything you put that man out of his misery." Rosalie grabbed his hands calming him down.

"It wasn't just Victoria. She had help." Noah comment after a brief silence.

"They were probably the ones in Bella's room?" Rosalie said making Noah nod.

"One problem though, we don't know who they are." Noah sighed looking down.

He wanted to make Victoria and who ever helped her pay.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it is so late, well for some it won't be, but for me it is.

I already have my class schedule, and I'm already stressing on whether or not I have a friend in them. Like I need to know at least 1 person in my class, then I'll be happy.

Anyway, until next time, meaning tomorrow.


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