Sunburn (2)

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"I'm glad you all arrived back in Phoenix safely. Tell the others I said hi and that I miss them. Bye Micah." Noah said before hanging up his phone.

Noah contacted Micah to check up on him and the others. Micah had informed him about the rest of the trip, and how they arrived in Phoenix 2 weeks ago. Noah knew he was eventually going to have to stop communicating with his friends, but that wasn't going today.

"Are you ok Noah?" Esme asked once she spotted him walking into the living room with a troubled look.

"Huh," Noah snapped out of his thoughts looking at Esme. She was looking at him worriedly wondering what was troubling her youngest son. "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just getting lost in my thoughts."

"Well, just know that I'm all ears if you need to talk, ok." Esme told him with a small smile.

Noah nodded smiling at her. He appreciated Esme's concern over him because it meant that she cared for him. Don't get wrong he always knew Esme cared for him, but it reassured him to know.

"Anyway, do you know where Rosalie is?" Noah asked noticing he hasn't seen her so far.

"She went out hunting." Emmett commented turning his gaze away from the television that was on ESPEN.

Noah nodded, "Thanks Em."

With that he headed out to join Rosalie.


"How do you still manage to look so graceful while taking down a mountain lion?" Noah wondered as he looked down at Rosalie from his spot on the tree.

Rosalie looked up wiping her mouth clean. "Years and years of practice."

"Right I forgot you're physically a year younger than me." Noah joked jumping down to be at her level.

"And yet who is the better looking one?" Rosalie smirked at him burying the mountain lion underneath the dirt.

"Why you, of course, my lady." Noah bowed extending his hand out towards her.

Rosalie grabbed his hand laughing when he twirled her into his arms. She rested her hands against his chest as she stared up at him.

"You know we haven't really been alone since Italy." Rosalie told him as she rubbed his chest.

"We haven't!" Noah exclaimed tightening his arms around her. "Why don't we change that." He began to lower his lips down to hers.

Before they made contact they were interrupted by Noah's phone ringing. Noah's jaw tightened as Rosalie sighed in irritation.

Noah stepped back from Rosalie and pulled his phone out of his pocket answering the call, "Hello?"

"Noah, we need you and Rosalie to get back to the house." Edward's voice said through the phone.

"Why?" Noah asked looking at Rosalie knowing that she could hear Edward.

"A vampire was in Bella's room." Edward answered making Noah look at Rosalie with wide eyes.

"Right we'll be there." Noah said before hanging up.

Rosalie rolled her eyes, "Come on let's see what's happening."


Noah sat beside Rosalie as they waited for Jasper and Emmett to come back from searching.

"Is it someone we know?" Carlisle asked Edward making Edward shake his head.

"No, it was a stranger." Edward said looking up from the floor.

"The scent disappeared 5 miles south from Bella's house." Jasper informed once he stepped through the room.

"Someone has to be behind this." Noah said crossing his legs.

"Victoria?" Bella suggested from beside Alice.

"No, I would've seen her." Alice shook her head declining it.

"The Volturi, maybe?" Edward making Alice shake her head again.

"I've also been watching them." Alice said making Bella look down.

"We'll start taking shifts to protected Bella." Carlisle announced making Rosalie shift in irritation.

"Another protection program?" Rosalie said clearly not please about her time being taken away from Noah.

"She's right." Bella said making the others turn to look at her, "You can't protect me, watch Charlie, hunt for the intruder."

"And for Victoria." Rosalie interjected staring  at Bella.

"And keep yourself fed." Bella added looking at Edward.

"I'm not leaving you defenseless, Bella." Edward stated staring at Bella intently.

"I won't be because I have...." Bella said trailing off clearly hinting at who she was talking about.

"Jacob." Noah finished for her making her nod.

Edward's closed his eyes not wanting to add Jacob into the situation, but knew it would help them.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'm hoping to finish this book before school. The last book, Breaking Dawn, would be slower for me to update seeing as I would be busy with school.

Anyway give me feedback on what you would like to see more of. Like would you like to see more of Rosalie/Noah or Noah interacting with the other Cullens?

As for the smut it probably won't come until Breaking Dawn or something. I'll let you all know when it would happen.


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