You Got a Lot to Learn

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*Niall's POV*

"She wants this but on her left wrist" I tell the artist that has done all of mine

"I think I still have the sketch from that one I'll prep it" he turns "you can sit down and get comfortable"

Claire walks over to sit down in the chair I sit next to her she bites her lip

"What?" I glare at her

"Why?" She asks

"Why what?" I ask  harshly

"Why did you pick one of your tattoos"

"Every member of my gang gets a smaller version of a clown not like mine but a crown of sorts and that's how they are identified as in the gang they belong to me and now so do you. What did you think I was going to make you get" I ask my jaw tight

"Your signature" she says and I smirk

"Don't tempt me" I say as my artist comes back in and cleans Claire's wrist then  applying the stamp and beginning her tattoo

She bites her lip her hair falls down in her face I pull it behind her ear

"You have gotten a tattoo before?" The artist asks noticing how little she is flinching

"I have a few"

"You what?" I ask harshly

"This isn't my first tattoo" she says looking up at me my jaw tightens I look her up and down seeing only blank skin besides her wrist

"I'll just clean this up and then your done" the artist says laying his tool down walking into the other room

"Where are they" I demand standing

"You'll find them yourself I'm sure Mr.Horan" she bites her lip

I press my hands on the arms of her chair trapping her

"What did I say about giving me cheek and I do believe we are alone princess"

"Sorry..." she looks up as I glare "daddy" she whispers

"There we go" I say pushing up as the artist walks back in gently wiping off her wrist cleaning it

"How does it look?" He asks I move my wrist to hers our tattoos practically matching hers smaller obviously

"I'm pleased" I say and he proceeds to wrap her tattoo in clear wrap

"Okay don't swim for at least two weeks, try to keep it out of direct sunlight as much as possible if there is pain Niall should have something to help the pain" the artist says

Claire glances at me after he says my name for the first time then back to the artist before standing

"Lets go" I growl pulling her out and dragging her to the car

I drive back to the club it's quite since most of the guys are out on an outing before we open Claire's brother is of course cleaning the place since I took him off the outing, when we get back

"Go to my office" I tell Claire handing her a key she doesn't respond "hey answer me" I grip her arm tightly

"Yes sir sorry" she looks down and I let go of her

Jayden stops sweeping as she walks past him, she makes a point to ignore him and move around him I smirk chucking walking over to the bar grabbing a bottle of whiskey walking in his direction

"You really fucked up this one Jay" I say and he looks at me

"How so sir is she not good enough for you?" He asks fear in his eyes

"Good enough?" I look at him not believing he is that blind "I would have taken the bullet over trading my sister" I say walking past him

"What makes you say that?"

I stop walking turning back to him "you so easily offered to let me own, use, play with, and abuse your sister"

"You touch her like that I'll..."

"You'll what offer up some one else in her place"

"You know I gave her the option to leave and I'll put a bullet in your brain or let me do all those things and more and she choose you over herself " I say he hangs his head

"You got a lot to learn kid" I say turning away and down the stairs opening the door to my office Claire is standing I look at her

"I didn't know if I was allowed to sit" she says causing me to smirk I walk around my desk sitting

"Come here" I say she slowly walks over to me "I want you to ask if you can sit in my lap and I want you to ask me properly"

She bites her lip "May I sit on your lap daddy" she says quietly

"I didn't hear you"

"May I sit in your lap daddy" she says louder and with no tude

"Yes princess you can"

"How would daddy like me to sit in his lap?" She asks looking down

I love the words on her mouth the fear in her voice not wanting to make a mistake

"Straddle daddy's lap for now princess" I say looking to my computer screen her hands go to my shoulders as she climbs on to my chair straddling my lap I lay one hand on her lower back holding her up as she settles on to my lap I slide my hand into her back pockets holding her as I scroll on my computer
"Good princess" I whisper by her ear she rest her head on my shoulder

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