Your gonna regret that

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*Claire POV*

"Princess wake up" I hear before being shaken from sleep

"What?" I groan

"I'm hungry wake up" Niall says getting louder and I open my eyes "You back talked me that won't last long Princess will it?" Niall says with sarcasm

"No daddy" I say going down stairs. I walk into the kitchen and Harry is there drinking coffee

"Morning" he says as I walk in

"Morning" I say grabbing eggs from the fridge and starting breakfast

"You not acting weird because of last night are you?" He ask arms crossed

"No I'm just adjusting nothing has changed "

"You have changed "

"I have not!"

"You have. As much as you want to hate him  you want to please him just as much. I see it, he sees it, you'r the only one that doesn't" he says smirking

"So what?" I ask finishing cooking the eggs "he owns me I can't love or be with someone who owns me "

Harry opens his mouth to reply "Princess where is my breakfast?" Niall walks in

"Here" I say bringing the plate to him

"You can shower now" he says and I nod

*later at the club*

I pull on the lace dress that hugs my body tightly trying to zip but my arms are too short suddenly it is jerked up I look in the mirror to see Niall

"Thank you daddy "

"You're welcome Princess "

I walk up stairs

"Claire?" I hear in a familiar female voice

I turn towards the voice seeing one of my friends from uni walking towards us

"Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in months where have you been ?"

"Oh um here and there " I say looking around not seeing Niall

"Oh my gosh when did you get this ?" She cries taking my left hand and the ring comes into my view

I reach out grab Harry's arm "this is my fiancé Harry, Harry this is Jenna"

Harry gives me a look before smiling at Jenna "Hi" he says quickly

"You guys got matching tattoos?"

I look down at our arms "kinda"

"That's sweet"

"Yeah I guess..."

"What's going on here?" I hear Niall's voice from behind me

I turn and Jenna's eyes go wide "your Niall Horan" she says

"Yes who are you"

"She is Claire's friend" Harry says quickly

"Well I need to go" Jenna says walking past us

"Down stairs now" Niall demands and I fallow him Harry fallows behind me

"Why did you grab Harry?"

"Because she can't know I'm with you"


"She is dating a gang member she just doesn't know it"

"What!" Niall yells

"He is in a gang high up too"

"And you never told me you had a connection to another gang!"

"It never came up besides what would you do?"

"Use her "

"Exactly you can hurt and use me but no one else if I can help it"

"Your face just healed and I'm tempted to mess it up " Niall says fuming

"Boss you cant blame her for protecting her friend"

"Why does she not know he is in a gang " Niall booms ignoring Harry

"I caught him on a hit once he told me then he does it to keep here out of the gang mess to keep her safe "

"You're in it and your safe!" Niall yells

"Am I?" I ask "I'm engaged to Harry for safety, I don't get to leave, you tattooed me so people would know not to touch me, on top of all that you just threatened to hit me" I yell

"Your gonna regret saying that" Niall says grabbing my hair twisting I cry out in pain
"Styles make sure things here go smoothly"
He says pulling me towards the door

"Yes boss" he says walking out Niall lets my hair go

"I'm gonna show you what that mouth gets you"  Niall says dragging me out and out the back slamming me against his car

"Owe" I cry as he opens the door shoving me in


Hey guys so sorry this has been taking so long That app crashes every time I tried up loading
Love you all

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