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*Claire's POV*

Niall 8

"Put this on" Harry hands me me a black dress that looks like it leaves little to the imagination. I take it moving around the curtain putting it on, my thought was correct about how revealing it was. I walk out

"We'll see how Niall feels about it let's go" Harry says opening the door we walk down the hall to Niall's office and he knocks

"What?" I hear Niall's voice

"Claire has the unifor..."

"Come in" he interrupts and Harry opens the door walking in and I fallow Niall looks me up and down "princess go put some heels on"

"Yes, sir" I say walking over to the closet

"And Harry she'll meet you up there" Niall says and the door closes as I pull on heels

"Are these okay daddy?" I ask walking out

"Those look perfect princess" he says laying his pen down "come sit on daddy's lap"

I walk over and sit across his lap he moves my hair off my shoulder "you covered the mark I made earlier" he says running his fingers over the hicky on my neck

"I can take it off daddy" I say tensing

"It's okay this time princess" he says standing and laying me on his desk "but next time I want you to show" he says pulling my panties to the side I tense

"Yes daddy" I shudder as he leans down

"Now princess you need to stay quiet or how I treat you when we get home will change"

"Yes daddy" I say before he licks up my pussy and I gasp and he looks up at me I bite my lip to stay quiet as he goes back. He starts licking faster and I breath heavy suppressing the urge to moan. When I'm just about to hit my high he pulls away

"Well that should make you...ready for me all night" he says smirking "now go up stairs and help Harry" he says sitting back in his chair

I stand pulling my dress back down and fix my hair

"Thank you daddy" I say before walking away and upstairs


"Claire go get there orders" Harry say pointing at already drunk guys I walk over to them

"Another drink" he say leaning on the bar "But I want it poured on you so I can lick it off" he says reaching over grabbing at my neck pulling me closer to him

"I wouldn't if I wear you" I hear a voice behind me and a hand grip the guys arm as Harry pushes him away. The only harm done was the loss of some hair from being pulled I hub over the spot with my hand. The drunk guy stumbles back and is grabbed by Niall pulling him close to whisper in his ear the look of fear in his eyes that I see, from being moved behind Harry's body, made me curious and terrified of what was being said. The drunk is let go and practically sprints to the exit one look from Niall and his friend in quickly fallowing. Niall looks towards Harry for explanation as to wear I went and he move aside

Niall pulls me to him "get one of the guys to replace her"

We walk out side to his car and I'm roughly pressed against it "What the hell happened?" Niall fumes

"I don't know daddy he was drunk and Harry told me to take their order and when I did they said they wanted their drinks poured down my body so they could lick it off then they grabbed me and that when Harry cut in" I say quickly starting to cry his angered face softens

"Are you hurt?" He ask

"Just some lost hair" I say trying to stop crying

"Get in the car we are going home" he says getting in the car


"What am I sleeping in tonight daddy?" I ask pulling my dress off

"Nothing" he says pulling me and pushing me on to the bed "I'm going to make you forget about that guy to night and any other guy that has touched you ever" he says pulling off his briefs before pulling my panties off

I close my eyes tensing

"Open those eyes princess" he says trusting into my core and my eyes shoot open "that's better" Niall continues to thrust in and out

"Oh my god" I moan

"No one but me can hear you princess so moan and moan loudly" he demands thrusting harder

I moan and grip the sheets

"Your tight around daddy's cock" Niall says thrusting deep and staying still "do I make you feel good princess?"he asks rubbing my clit with his fingers

"Yes daddy so good so good" I cry out

"I want you to cum all over daddy's cock princess" Niall say thrusting harder an drastic continuing the movement on my clit

"Daddy please may I cum?" I beg

"Yes princess cum"

After a few more thrust I hit my high and release and Niall pulls out pumping his hand on his cock

"Open you mouth princess" he say pulling me so my head hangs off the bed and starts thrusting into my mouth before releasing deep in my throat he pulls out and I gulp down his cum he pulls me to sit up "Did you like that princess?"

"Yes daddy thank you"


Hey so I hope you are liking this so far let me know what your thinking thank you so much for the support you giving in reading


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