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*Claire's POV*

"Just hang them over there with my spare clothes" I hear Niall's voice say quietly

"Why are you being easy on her?" Louis says

"She has had a long day"

"And you care because"

"Because if I want anything out of her she has to trust me so show her nice but harsh"

"What ever you say boss you just don't let other girls sleep in your lap" I hear Louis voice fade then the door shut there is silence for a few minutes

"I know your awake princess " Niall says I raise my head

"You need to pick out a dress for tonight" he says

"What for?" I ask and he glares at me "daddy"

"Well daddy is a club owner or at least I play the part of one" he smirks "and you are my date for now till I don't want you anymore"

I start to stand up and walk over to the closet of clothes

"These aren't my clothes" I say

"I know I bought you new clothes" He says not looking up "and there is a closet full at my house since you live with me now"

"These are expensive"

"Yes they are so put one on then come show me how grateful you are" he says never looking my way

I pick a skin tight red dress that's neckline goes low I slip the black heels on and walk back to him

"How would you like me to thank you daddy?" I ask

He looks up "Shit bend over my desk, if I wasn't a man of my words" he stands walking over to me "that dress makes me want to do so many things to you" he cups my face in his hands "but I am a man of my word so give me a kiss instead" he says before pressing his lips to mine

"Thank you daddy" I say after he pulls away

"Your welcome princess" he takes my hand walking up stairs "now remember rule three no one touches you with out me knowing got it?"


The loud music starts to play and people start pouring in Niall pulls me into the VIP box and sits down

He pulls me to him whispering in my ear "embarrasses me and you won't be able to walk in the morning"

"Yes sir" I say gulping

"Princess call me Niall when we are upstairs" he says as men come up into the box

"Niall what a surprise you have a lady on your arm I was beginning to wonder if you liked them " a blond haired man mocks

"What the hell are you doing in my club?" Niall barks at them as he pulls me closer into his body I zone out as they talk looking out over the crowed of people

"Niall let me take your girl for a spin on the dance floor I know she wants to" the blond man says and Niall turns to look at me

"Fine one dance and then your out and I don't want to not be able to see her at all times" Niall say through gritted teeth

"Well then darlin" the man says holding his hand out and I take it standing as we get to the floor I can see Niall in the box

"So how much is he paying you?" He says pressing his body behind me

"He isn't paying me anything"

"Oh no you are here by your own choice?" He asks turning me to face him

"Yes I am " I stutter out

"But you seem so innocent to be with someone like Niall"

"And who should I be with "

"Well I could please you better then he ever could" he says whispering in my ear before I am pulled away from him

"You had your one song now get the hell out of my club" Niall yells and the men walk away

Niall pulls me back to the box "what did he do to you"

"Nothing" I say looking at him "just intimidated me"

"What did he say?" Niall asks

"He asked if you hired me to be with you and told me he could please me better then you can" I say and Niall looks angered

"Like hell he can" Niall scoffs I stay silent not knowing what to respond

He looks back to me "well he was the only business I had to night so we are going to my place" he says standing "let's go he says before pulling me by my arm out side

"Claire" I hear in Jayden's voice

He walks up to us

"I'm so sorry please say something"

I stay silent

"Princess say something" Niall says

"Fine" I say looking from him to Jayden "The good thing in this is that I live with him not you cause I want to be as far away from you  as much as possible" I say turning back around Niall chuckles and takes my hand pulling me to his car

Daddy's debt payer Where stories live. Discover now