Get it Off of You

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*Claire's POV*

"Your not working the bar to night princess " Niall says as he leans on my desk

"Why have I done something wrong?"

"No it's..." he is interrupted by the knock on the door "come in Harry"

I look at him confused as Harry steps in standing silently

"Princess tonight some very dangerous men maybe dropping by the club tonight" he says looking me in the eye to make sure I'm listening "men that would want to take what is mine"

I nod as he continues

"To make sure you are safe your not going to be mine tonight " he says plainly "you and Harry are going to be engaged for the night"

"I don't understand why I can't just be a club goer"

"Your tattoo gives you away as being in the gang" he points to my wrist "being with someone in the gang explains that" he says walking over to his safe

"Here" he hands me a small box I open it gasping at the large diamonds ring in it

"Get dressed I'll see you upstairs" Niall says as he leaves the room with Harry

I put on a long dress with a slit to my thigh I push my hair to one side pining it before strapping on heels that wrap around my leg I look at the ring again before slipping it on my left ring finger. I walk up stairs after doing my makeup

"Claire?" Jayden says catching Niall and Harry's attention "what are you wearing?"

"A dress idiot"

"That leave nothing covered"

"Not your problem now excuse me"

"What's that" he says grabbing my hand

"Mind getting your hands off my fiancée " Harry asks coming up behind me

"Jayden I want you down stairs tonight" Niall says shewing him and he leaves "unlike your brother I like your dress" he mumbles "I can't wait to get it off you" he says before walking away

"You ready?" Harry ask

"As I'm ever gonna be"

"Good" Harry says wrapping an arm around my waist "now just stay quiet as much as possible and don't leave my side I mean it "

"Talk only when I have to and stay with you got it" I say as we walk into VIP section


"Who is that?" I ask Harry nodding to the large men walking in

"Those are the men that want to do bad things to you because your boss' girl" he whispers into my ear

I nod my head turning back around to see Niall glaring at our close proximity 

"Niall your men were in my quadrant on there last outing" a large man barges in yelling

"Please the chief of police are here tonight if you don't want to do time with them I suggest you lower your voice " Niall says harshly but remains calm

"You push boundaries and I'll"

"You'll what? You have nearly half as many men as I do and you know it" Niall says standing he isn't as big as the other man but gives off more authority.

"Keep your guys off my quadrant or I'm going to take that pretty little thing I have heard so much about" the man threatens and Harry's arm tightens around me

"Do you see a girl by my side?"

"I can see one that I wouldn't think twice about not taking" I look up seeing all eye turned to me

"You mind not talking about my fiancée like that?" Harry asks gruffly

"Fiancée! You got a woman that wants to marry you?" The man moves coming to sit in front of me "you want to marry styles !"

"Isn't that why I have this on my finger" I say holding out my hand the man takes it twisting my arm every which way

"Well I think it's time we were off" the man says standing Niall and Harry stand as well "won't you entertain a man and give your man so action?" I look up at Harry then to Niall and back to Harry as I stand up I pull Harry closer to my level pressing my lips to his he snakes a hand to my back pulling me closer

"That enough off a show for you?" Harry ask as he pulls away still holding me close

"Enough for now" the man say walking away

I look over at Niall and the only thing I can tell is that he is not happy

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