Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV
"Pass the lighter, Cher." I say, lifting a joint to my mouth. She does as I ask, and I light the cigarette.
"Remind me again," Lauren says, exhaling smoke "Why do we have to do this behind a bookshop? Why not a liquor store or whatever?"
"Because my mum- all of our mums, would freak if they knew we did this, and a bookshop is certainly not the sort of place anyone would expect us to be doing drugs behind," Jesy says
"What if someone does find us?" Dinah asks
"They won't." I say "I guarantee."
"What're you guys doing?" a new voice says, and Brad comes into view.
"Aaand she jinxed it," Lauren says
"Oh, um," Cher says
"We're practising a scene for a play that we're doing," I say "It's called... um,"
"New Kid," Jesy says 
"It's about a kid who moves to a new school," Dinah says
"Why d'you have weed?" Brad sneers
"Weed?" I say as the others all discreetly drop their cigarettes, "What weed?"

"Hm," he says "I must have been mislead. Cheerio!"
"Phew," Jesy says "That was a close one."
"It's not over yet," I say "Stamp on the joints, and let's run." Everyone does as told, and we all sidle down the outside wall of the bookshop, before breaking into a sprint when we get onto the pavement

"Can we go to jail for this?" Jesy asks
"Yeah," I say "For up to five years, but most likely they'd give us a fine and our parents would ground us. Brad's not gonna call the police though, is he? He's bloody terrified of us."
"(Y/N), you left out the possible night spent in a holding cell," Cher says, starting to get out of breath
"Exciting," Lauren says
"Not exciting, mate," Dinah says "My parents probably won't let me play soccer, rugby or softball next season if we get caught."
"Can we stop running now," Cher puffs "I'm just about dying here."
"That's what you get, isn't it though, when you only play badminton," Jesy remarks "All of us play rugby and football (soccer), so we can actually physically run for more than a minute."
Then, we hear police sirens.
"Oh shit," I say "Cher, hop on my back." she jumps onto my back, and we all start to run as fast as we can
"Of course he bloody well calls the police," Lauren mutters under her breath
"Where.. exactly.. are we.. going?" Dinah puffs
"I.. dunno." I say, also short of breath
"We could go to my place?" Cher suggests "it's not too far away from here."
"Why're.. we.. running.. anyway?" Lauren asks "They're.. gonna.. catch.. us."
"True." Jesy says "But.. it'd.. be.. stupid.. to... just.. stop."
"Agreed," I puff "We.. need.. to.. go.. down.. bravely,"
"That's overly dramatic," Cher states
"Do you want.. me.. to.. drop.. you..?" I say, and she shuts up.
"I can't.. go.. on.. anymore," Dinah says, stopping and bending over, breathing heavily "go.. on.. without.. me,"
"No.." I say "guys, let's.. just.. give ourselves.. up. Like.. Lauren.. said; they'll catch.. us.. anyway." I drop Cher
"Oof, groundshock."
"How do you get groundshock from falling like a foot when you're practically 30 kilos," Dinah says, as a police van pulls up
"Put your hands on your heads," the cop says as he gets out of his van "Alexander Edwards, Northumbria Police Force. You lot are under arrest for possession of cannabis. Oh, and anything you say can and will be used against you in court." He gets a pair of shackles from his belt, and clasps them onto Dinah's wrists. He then leads her into the van, before grabbing another pair of shackles, and repeating the procedure on Jesy, then Cher, then Lauren, and finally me.

"Honestly, guys," the officer says as we drive along the main road "I'm disappointed in yous. My daughter's around your age, and I can't imagine how horrified her mam and I would be if she used drugs. She's about the same age as yous as well."
"We didn't use cannabis though," Cher says and I punch her
"Bitch, they're gonna use that against you in court. They'll test our urine, which will prove that we used it." I whisper furiously
"We'll just have to find out whether or not you're telling the truth with that, won't we?" Officer Edwards says, just as we pull up to the police station.

Whoops. Great job, me, for updating 6 days late. Eek.

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