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It all happened so fast. We didn't see it coming. In less than a week after the double date. We were both dropped. First her, a total display at lunch. It was pizza day, her favorite day perhaps since it was the only day she would show up in the cafeteria.
"You asshole!"
"How can you do this to me?!?"
This erupted out of nowhere and everyone looked to the sight of a girl in tears and pizza on a guy's face.
She frantically ran out of the cafeteria.
*Door slams*
I noticed I little grin coming from Elena. Why was she happy? This was her friend.
I should've known as she kissed my forehead and said "it's over."
*Bell rings*
I froze I didn't realize that I had sat there motionless for 15 minutes.
I looked at him emotionless.
"Are you okay dude?"
"Looking kind of pale from here."

"Yes I'm fine I just need some water."
"Well hurry up, because you know how Ms. Perkins gets."

I walk steadily behind Clay as we approached Ms. Perkins class.

She wasn't there. There was an empty table where I sat. With Elena...

But she wasn't sitting alone, Bryan was with her. All smiles.

"Hey, you heard what happened with Nicole and Bryan?"
"She ran out quite upset, I heard she pushed a teacher."
"Supposedly Bryan told her she was leaving her for someone much better."
"Hey aren't you dating Elena? Why is she seating with him?"

"She broke up with me during lunch dude."

"Oh damn, must've been the reason why you weren't moving."

"I think so too."

"Damn so do you think they might... Uhmm you know... planned this?"

"Probably...I rather not right now..."
"Yeah I under..."

"Hey you two would you mind sharing what you are talking about?!!
Seems to me it's more important than my class."

"Sorry Ms. Perkins, won't happen again."

"At least for today..." He whispered
It's pizza day again...
Nicole is yet to be seen here.

The pizza is running out
And she still is not here.
Where could she be.
I turn around to see what the commotion is about.
I had forgotten homecoming was next week.
People are inviting their dates.
But who just happens to be the center of all this commotion.

The poster said "would you be willing to risk one more thing for me and go to homecoming with me?"
What a horrible poster.
But to be honest I hadn't even thought of asking her to homecoming.

Elena said she was just going to go with her friends anyways.

I guess she's not doing that anymore.
With all this distraction I rush myself and get myself the last slice of pizza.

And before the administrator realizes I leave the cafeteria.

The hallways seemed a lot better. And now was the perfect time to explore campus. With no one around.

I got to the far East wing of campus. The only hallway I have yet to be in. I always wondered what was behind those old white doors. Nobody ever seems to open them.

I looked around, and I saw that there was a room open. White light came from this room.

This light was so white it enlightened the entire hallway.

As I walked closer to the door I could hear someone singing, not loud or bad. But mellow and really well.

And there she was.
In the center of the room, the room was empty with white walls, white ceiling, and white tile.

By far the biggest room I had seen, and there she was making it feel as if it was full with emotions. What was she doing?

My eyes seemed to be blinded by the white light. I had to close them a little bit in order to distinguish the dark colors of her clothes from the light.

I stood there motionless...

And than...

She turned around...
"Oh my God how long have you been standing there?"

"Uhh a couple minutes I think."

"Really? What did you hear? Did you hear anything?"

"Uhh yes I heard everything."

"Your voice is beautiful by the way."

"Thank you, but you cannot tell anyone about this."

"How did you find me anyways?"

"Oh I wasn't looking for you, but I did notice you weren't there for pizza day like every week."

"Uhh how do you know I go every week"
" Oh no I didn't I just assumed since there's a big a slice of pizza on your T-shirt."
I lied, I first noticed she would only go to pizza the day whenever her and Bryan started dating.
Ever since she had never missed a single pizza day.


"Are you hungry? I got the last slice you can have it."

"No thank you, I don't eat pizza anymore."
"Well I'm sorry for interrupting I will now leave and will forget this happened."

"You know actually I would like that slice of pizza. I'm going to die if I don't eat something today."

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Uhh...three days ago I ate ramen noodles. That was about it."

Was she starving herself?

This was rather alarming.
*Bell rings*
"Well dude, time to go. Thanks for the pizza. Remember no one should know anything about what you experienced today. Okay?"
"Yes sure thing and no problem, I knew that pizza would come into good use."
"You promise you won't tell anyone?"
"I promised"
"It's only valid if it's a pinky promise"
"Uhh okay?...I promise."
I realized that for the first time, I held a conversation with an individual who was a total stranger to me.

But the feeling I felt didn't feel so strange.

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