Part 15

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~~~ Saturday Night ~~~

It had been a week since Toby got his heart broken and he was still a bit moody every now and then but he was getting better. Grace and Hannah were getting closer the two girls really hit it off they had a lot in common and just really enjoyed spending time together. Because of this Grace and Rosie didn't see each other as often as they used to and when they did hang out it wasn't like it used to be. Normani and Dinah continued to talk about whether or not Dinah would call her mother she still hadn't made up her mind yet. Camila, Charlie and Ben spent time working on their show that they were to perform tonight for their families and Lauren…well Lauren was happy munching on her Mint Milano's with Ally.

The Hamilton and Jauregui family plus Hannah and Ally were all told to sit in the basement for the show. They placed several chairs around the place and set up the makeshift stage that was down there. Lauren made sure to remove her box of magazines before anyone came over that night. They had a baby grand piano and Toby's old guitar that he tried to paly once but didn't try again sitting in the corner next to the stage curtains.

Performing for her family was not a new thing for Charlotte jauregui-Cabello it was pretty much a monthly thing. Charlie and Camila had done this pretty much as soon as Charlie could talk. Although she never said anything not even to Lauren, Camila was slightly disappointed that her two older children showed no interest in musical theatre and that they both were tone deaf. But when Charlie came into the world Camila was ecstatic to find out that not only could she sing and that she loved musicals but she could sing really well and with proper training she could even surpass her so Camila did all she could to make sure Charlie would be able to succeed in the world of Show Business.

It was early evening and everyone was sitting in their chairs with a drink and a few snacks on the table. Lauren sat next to Dinah who was sitting next to Normani. Toby was sitting by the table so he could eat without having to get up. Rosie was sitting next to Grace who was sitting next to Hannah. The young Tongan kept taking sideway glances at the two girls next to her she couldn't help but scowl at their intertwined hands. This didn't go unnoticed by Normani who thought it was a little odd.

"So is this a common thing your sister and mum does?" Hannah asked Grace

"Unfortunately" Grace sighed

"Didn't your mum used to be on Broadway?" She asked

"Yep, she played Leisl in the Sound of Music for two years"

"Cool…so how come your not up there singing?" Hannah asked with a smirk

"Because I can't sing, Ma was devastated when she realised I was tone deaf." Grace giggled

"Aww…well I won't hold it against you if you sound like a dying cat while you sing" Hannah laughed

"I'm not that bad…sometimes….I should tell them to get you up there. I know you can sing and play the guitar." Grace replied

"Well I do have talented fingers" Hannah smirked as Grace blushed at that.

Rosie rolled her eyes and huffed in disgust.

"So fricking charming" She grumbled under her breath. Once again this did not go unnoticed by Normani though she didn't say anything.

"OK Ladies and Toby the show will begin in a few minutes so please turn off your mobile phones, please take this time to get a drink, some snacks and use the restroom." Camila told them before she went behind the curtain to get ready.

Hannah and Grace looked through the program for this evening. Charlie went all out. She made a program with biographies of the singers it had a photo of them and everything. She even made everyone buy a ticket that cost 25 cents. Camila told her charging her family $25 each was a bit much. She even created a playbill for tonight's performance of course it was done using paper and crayons with a bit of glitter but it was super adorable.

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