Part 27: Decisions and Clubs

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            Happy Thanksgiving!😘


~~~ Cabello-Jauregui House ~~~

The next day Lauren and Camila were up nice and early mostly because Lauren couldn't wait to see Beth again, and when Lauren woke up Camila got up because Lauren did not know how to be quite when getting dressed and just getting out of the bed.

The two were currently in the kitchen having breakfast when Toby came down still in his boxers and still half asleep but his hair looked flawless…as usual.

"Morning." Camila smiled at her son.

He just grumbled in return.

"Toby why are you up so early that's not like you at all." Lauren joked.

All they got in response was more grumbling.

"Could you at least put some clothes on?" Camila asked.

"I have clothes on." He mumbled as he grabbed some bread to put in the toaster.

"More clothes then just boxers…We don't need to see your manly chest early in the morning…were trying to eat here." Lauren replied with a laugh.

"Also you're planning on shaving today right?" Camila asked.

Toby just rolled his eyes.

"Why are you attacking me? It's too early for that at least let me eat first. And no I'm not shaving today I'm growing a beard." He replied.

Both Lauren and Camila scrunched up their faces to that.

"What? What's wrong with having a beard?"

"It looks so…unclean." Camila replied.

"And girls don't like kissing hair that's why we get bikini waxes." Lauren added.

"Oh my god Lo you did not just say that!" Camila looked at her shocked.

Toby just snickered; Lauren looked away and tried not to laugh. Like most times she didn't mean to say that out loud but it was funny.

"So why are you up so early?" Camila asked totally changing the topic.

Toby shrugged.

"Woke up and couldn't go back to sleep and besides I wanted to go to the gym today…gotta keep these bad boys nice and firm." He replied then proceeded to show off his arms once more in case they had forgotten what they looked like….they haven't.

"Ok, but you have to be home by 1pm today." Lauren told him.


"Because Beth is coming over to meet you all." Camila answered.

"She is?" Charlie enthusiastically asked as she ran into the kitchen.

"Yes she is." Lauren replied with just as much enthusiasm.

"Why are you only telling me now?" Charlie asked.

"Because you were asleep when we got home last night." Camila replied.

"But now I don't have much time to prepare a welcoming presentation for Beth AND a song! But no worries…I'm sure many superstars are faced with this problem many times in their careers so I this will be great practice. Mommy I will be in the basement can you please deliver my breakfast to me down there because my brain needs it's food and I can't waist time up here eating when I have things to do!" Charlie explained in one breath before she ran down to the basement.

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