Part 47: Delivery

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~~~ The Morning After ~~~

Becky woke up first and the first thing she noticed was that there was a naked girl lying next to her and she wasn't freaked out. At. All. In fact it felt...normal and it was nice...also extremely hot...but it was nice. Also, tongue piercing = awesome.

Hannah began to stir and when she opened her eyes she was a little shocked to see Becky lying there but then the memories of that night flooded her brain and a lazy and content smile appeared on her face.

"Morning." Becky mumbled.

"Mornin." Hannah yawned.

Now it was getting a little awkward. I mean what do you say at a time like this?

"So...a-about last night..."Becky started.

"Are you ok about what happened last night?" Hannah asked as she turned to face Becky and rested her head on her hand.

Becky took a deep breath and then turned to face Hannah.

"I'm ok...better than ok actually. H-How about you? I mean...are you...ok?" She asked.

Hannah just smiled.

"I'm ok...and you still owe me that date." Hannah reminded her.

Becky just smiled as Hannah leaned forward to kiss her.

"Are you sure?" Becky asked.

"Of course I am."

"But...In case your incredibly stupid and blind, I'm pregnant."

"Yeahhh and?" Hannah asked a little confused.

"And I'm pregnant! Why would you want to get involved with this?" Becky replied.

"We went through this last night...I like you, why wouldn't I pursue that?"

"Hannah I've...lately I've been thinking and...I've been having doubts...about giving my baby up. I'm not totally sure about what I'm going to do but with Grace's family helping me I have options." Becky replied.

"You want to keep your baby?"

Becky shrugged.

"Becky if you want to keep him then that's not gonna make me run." Hannah replied.

"I can't ask that of you Hannah."

"How about this. We go on a couple of dates...get to know each other...then see where things go. Either way I'll still be here to help if you need it, ok?"

Becky nodded.


Hannah smiled and this time Becky leaned over to kiss her.

~~~ In The Kitchen ~~~

Toby and Maya were busy making pancakes for everyone. After that horribly embarrassing moment between the two last night and after Toby changed his underwear. The two spent the rest of the night downstairs watching a movie together. They ended up falling asleep cuddled up on the couch. Toby wasn't hung over which he was thankful for because he would get into trouble if his moms knew. He had a bit of a headache but that's what pain killers are for.

Charlie and Ben waited patiently for their pancakes when Hannah and Becky emerged from the basement.

"Hey guys." Maya smiled at the two.

"Morning." Hannah replied.

"What happened to you two? I hardly saw you all night." Toby smirked.

"We were busy." Becky replied as she poured some OJ into two glasses then handed one to Hannah.

"Uh huh." Toby chuckled.

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