Chapter 2

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March 7, 2014

"Why do you.. why do you always do this? Why do you always do things for me.. Making me get the wrong ideas? Why do you give me hope.. And then break my heart all over and over again..? I'm tired, okay?! just go!" I closed the door. Leaving him outside. I started crying. Tears I held back the minute I confronted him.

Seeing him again after all these years.. it's hard. And I cant handle this much pain. The pain that's always been there. At the back of my mind. Pain that only he can make me feel.

I wiped my tears away, and just then I heard his car roar and eventually leave. I cried again. He left me. Again. Instead of trying to make me talk to him. Instead of begging for me. He left. Just like before. He always leaves. If I really matter to him, he would have to do something.. but none of which i expected him to do happened.

And that was enough. For the past years ive handled it good. Well, even. But one touch.. one glance.. one word.. and my heart is again torn into pieces.


October 7, 2007

School had been plain boring. I wouldn't mind ditching it but that would hurt my straight A's.

And ditching school means not seing Jace. Jace. It's always been about Jace.

Jace.. hmm.. Jace. How do I describe him? Ah!

Tall, white, black haired, confident vibe around him, look that could kill, smile to die for, brown eyes, athletic built and um, kissable lips. (?)

Our P.E is a joint class between seniors and juniors, so it makes looking stupid more embarrassing. Senior guys would always play ball and us, volleyball. Some days we female and male switch games but it was barely.

Today I was teamed up with Danielle Wilson. Jace's 'rumored' girlfriend. As long as I didn't hear it from Jace- which is impossible to do so, I would consider it as a rumor. St Louis' isn't free from babble mouths. So it's confusing to know which is true and which isnt. Danielle is the Cheerleading leader. And apparently, besides from being a student government representative, he plays ball too. He was the forward and his role is quite dashing.

The rumors about him and Danielle started last few months when little miss babblemouth Katie, said she saw the both of them come out from the men's locker room so everyone else concluded something had happened when they were there. I wouldnt want to believe it but the incident in the quadrangle made a plausible proof. But still. I'm not giving up on him. One day. One.. day.

THE OTHER TEAM SERVED and I was on the center, about to dig pass it but then a pair of hands came out from no where and stole my ball, and it was a fail shot. I threw Danielle a deadly look and she threw me a glare from herself.

"What were you doing?!" She pushed. I raised my eyebrow at her and my mouth fell in disbelief.

"It's in my zone, it was my ball! your place is far from it, stupid." I shot back. I do hope she hadn't heard the last part though. I dont want to be in a cat fight today. I was endangering my broken wrist and I dont want my hair to be endangered too.

"What?!" She snapped. "You- bitch!" She was running towards me but a pair of hands effortless threw her to the side.

"Watch your word," warned a tall beautiful creature. I dont know his name but the look he threw Danielle screams he was on my side. He looked at me and made his way leaving Danielle aghast. "Are you okay?"

Absent mindedly, I nodded. The pain from the last shots had found their way now. My wrist felt like it was completely broken and I felt hot tears coming from my eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying? are you okay?" He sounded concerned and he looked like he didnt know what to do. His left hands searched his pockets, possibly looking for a handkerchief, the other was debating wether to stabilize me or what.

I felt nausea all over and I just fainted.

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