Chapter 2. Three is a Crowd

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Annie's POV

The next day I woke up with a smile on my face; I was going to hang out with Hayden today!

I jumped out of bed and quickly changed into white top from Hollister, jeans, and white high top Converse. I quickly brushed my hair and curled the ends before going downstairs.

"Good morning, Annie." Mom smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

"'Morning." I replied as I sat at the kitchen island. "What's for breakfast?"

"Whatever you want. I was just making toast." Mom said as the toast popped up from the toaster.

"Oh, okay." I skipped to the fridge and dug around for some food, but we didn't have much since we just moved here. Dad was going shopping today for groceries, I think.

"You seem extremely happy today." Mom noted. "Is it because you're going to see that Hayden boy?"

"What?!" I said in a high-pitched voice. "No!"

Mom gave me a look.

I sighed. "Okay, yes!"

Mom gave me another look, her eyebrows raised and a sly grin on her face. "Annie has a crush!" She teased.

I gave her a look this time. "I'm just excited to make new friends, okay?" Then I quickly turned around so she wouldn't see me blush.

I guess I had the teensiest little crush on Hayden, but we just met, so I can't be too sure...right?

I decided to eat the little bit of cereal we had left and I went to go watch TV.

It was really hard to focus on the show because I was too excited for later; I hope everything goes well.


A few hours later we finally arrived at the mall. I felt myself grinning from ear to ear as I got out of the car and saw a text from Hayden.

"He says to meet at Macy's." I told my parents as I skipped into the mall.

I quickly found Macy's and ran in. I was about to text Hayden I was there when I saw him across the store, and my grin disappeared.

Hayden was with Kenzie, who was looking at clothes. I saw her hold up a couple of items and smile, and Hayden was smiling back.

"Annie? Where's Hayden?" Mom asked when she and Dad walked in.

"I see him. You guys can go find his parents." I said as I began to walk away.

I made my way towards them and Kenzie saw me first. She looked a little shocked yet smiled.

"Annie! I didn't know you were here!" She said before she hugged me.

"Yeah, I invited her to meet up here," Hayden explained. "But then I bumped into you."

"You know what would be fun?" Kenzie said. "If we all hung out together!"

"That's a great idea!" Hayden agreed, but I personally just wanted Kenzie to leave; Hayden and I were supposed to bond, alone (well, alone with our families).

"Annie? What do you think?" Hayden asked.

"Oh, sounds great!" I lied as they grinned.

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