1 | Downpour

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- 1 Downpour

Will it stop now? These raindrops, these tears?
I don't want to get wet with rain
And tremble with cold
Some day, the cold rain
Will become warm tears
And fall down, It's alright
It's just a passing downpour

Lee Jihoon watched the rain fall from the bay window in his hospital room. It drenched the people rushing about below it, and gathered as a small puddle atop the line of ambulances. And he thought it looked beautiful.

Personally, Jihoon had always considered himself a 'Pluviophile' - someone who enjoyed the rain. It was just so comforting, so breathtaking, so undeniably pure that nothing else could compare. It was a complete contrast from the watery hospital coffee beside him, anyway.

He inched closer to the glass, watching as his breath formed a cloud of mist on the cold windowpane. Using his index finger, he drew a broken heart, before scribbling it out and brushing the mist away. Love wasn't something Lee Jihoon talked about or acted upon, so he wasn't going to draw a symbol of it on his window.

Jihoon couldn't remember the last time he was in a hospital. The only time he could think of was when he was born, then again, that wasn't certain considering that he was adopted. No one knew where he came from, who his parents were and how he ended up on the doorstep of an orphanage in Busan. He just did.

The door clicked as it was pushed open, and he glanced over to make eye contact with his best friend Kwon Soonyoung. At twenty-two years old, the idol choreographer looked barely five, with a baby face and a youthful personality. To begin with, Jihoon had decided that Soonyoung was too immature for him, but after getting to know the guy, he really wasn't that bad, and by the end of the year they were roommates.

"Hey Jihoonie," Soonyoung said. His voice was strained and tired, and his eyes were pink from crying. He had a backpack slung over his left shoulder, and Jihoon could see his favorite blanket poking out of the top. "I brought some stuff for you, from the apartment."

"Thanks," Jihoon watched Soonyoung place the bag onto the bed, carefully unzipping the top pocket and removing the blanket before zipping it back up. He discarded his jacket, before approaching the younger man, who was looking through the window again, eyes scanning the wet concrete and grass.

"How are you feeling? Sorry, I was a little late, dance dragged on today. They just couldn't get the footwork right," Soonyoung chuckled quietly, before settling on the window seat.

"You were late? I didn't notice," Jihoon said, voice barely a whisper. He liked that Soonyoung understood his love for silence, and took care to keep his tone low when conversing with him. "Time barely moves when you're stuck in a crappy hospital ward surrounded by ten other wandering souls."

Soonyoung laughed, before resting one hand on Jihoon's thigh. It was friendly, platonic. Soonyoung had always been a massive fan of skinship in general, no matter who with. As long as the other person was alright with it, he found no reason to stop. He knew Jihoon liked it, particularly when he went as far as to draw shapes with his thumb as he spoke. It was comforting, he supposed.

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes, before Soonyoung moved his hand to Jihoon's hair. He'd always liked it; how soft it was, all the colors Jihoon would dye it, the way it was fluffy - he could go on for ages. The gesture was often received as romantic to strangers, which was not something either of the boys minded, although they kept that to themselves. It was the unspoken rule of their friendship.

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