3 | Stay

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- 3 Stay

There's nothing more I want now
I can't even tell if my heart is beating
Rather than forceful conversations with others
I'd rather be in awkward silence with you
So stay, wherever that may be
Sometimes, when darkness comes, I'll be your fire
In this world that is a lie
The only truth, it's you
This a letter from me to you

"I got your usual," Soonyoung muttered, placing the coffee mug onto the wooden table. Soft steam swirled around above it, enveloping Jihoon with a cloud of warmth and his favorite domestic scent. "One sugar, lactose-free milk -yes, I did remember the stirrer."

"Thank you," Jihoon whispered back quietly, watching Soonyoung take a seat opposite him, gently placing his own drink onto the table. Just from the initial glance, Jihoon knew it was green tea, the type that only this Coffee shop sold all year round, which was the reason they even started coming here in the first place. Jihoon was grateful for Soonyoung being a whiny, green tea obsessed man.

The man in question slid a cookie over to Jihoon, eyes glinting mischievously behind his mug. "They don't sell them at the hospital. I don't think you're allowed, but I saw it and thought of you."

Jihoon smiled appreciatively and broke off a chunk of cookie to hand across to Soonyoung, who was eyeing it hungrily. Soonyoung rested his hand on top of Jihoon's smaller one, tracing a small circle just below the knuckles as he took a bite out of the chocolate chip scattered dough.

The younger felt his face heat up at the contact, but it was in a good way. He loved being taken care of by Soonyoung, who acted like he was his boyfriend, buying him what he wanted, sneaking kisses on top of his head, wrapping his arms around him tighter than anyone else could. Then again, it was just Soonyoung's personality, being touchy and flirty with everyone he liked.

It was disappointing, when Jihoon just wanted the other to replicate his feelings of-

"Jihoon, are you okay? You're staring at your wrists again,"


"Oh? Me? I'm fine. Just daydreaming, I guess," Jihoon smiled weakly at Soonyoung, who intertwined their fingers. Ah, there was Jihoon's heart breaking a little again. Funny how often that happened.

"About what?" Soonyoung pressed, eyes twinkling mischievously. His hand which wasn't occupied with Jihoon's dropped down to the side of the table, as his eyes narrowed as he smiled.

"Do you think there's really a point in life?" Jihoon said suddenly, feeling embarrassment and awkwardness forcing a red flush on his cheeks. His whole body was hot, and his voice got quieter as he spoke, signaling his anxiety.

Soonyoung froze, before opening his mouth to say something, but no words came out. He closed it again, before managing to form a sentence.

"There's a point to everything," Soonyoung said gently, intently watching Jihoon sip on his coffee. He set it back onto the table with a clink, before locking eyes with Soonyoung and swaying their hands back and forth. They played footsie under the table, kicking one another's shins and ankles gently.

"There's a point on a pencil," Jihoon argued, settling back in his seat as Soonyoung chuckled. "Until it gets blunt."

"But that's what sharpeners are for," Soonyoung replied, cheeks heating up when he saw Jihoon nibble a little on his bottom lip. His small habits were just so cute and child-like, it made the older man feel some kind of odd attraction to it - not that he'd ever say anything of course. "Let's talk about something else."

An awkward silence followed, making both men start talking at the same time. Soonyoung felt a mix of embarrassment and a feeling he couldn't quite place, making his cheeks and face become a pretty shade of pink.


"Do you-"

"You can go first," He said, lifting his cup up to his lips to take a sip. The chance to pass the conversation to the other man was relieving, as he got to take a moment to compose himself. He was probably getting sick; he hadn't been using his coat recently, even though the temperature kept dropping as November progressed. He totally hadn't just gotten flustered when his friend acted adorably. No way.

Jihoon shook his head to bring himself back to the moment. This was his best friend, starting a conversation shouldn't make him this flustered. It was just -oh god he's doing it again- how Soonyoung looked at him like Jihoon was the only thing in the room. Like he was the only thing that mattered.

"What's it been like, back at Pledis, I mean?"

Jihoon and Soonyoung both worked for Pledis, but not as idols. Soonyoung was the head choreographer and ultimate mood-maker in the studios. He trained the trainees until the early hours of the morning, not complaining once about his stupid hours and the responsibilities he took on just to make sure that these young girls and boys were passing their evaluations and tests. Jihoon, on the other hand, produced, composed and wrote lyrics for the songs that the trainees Soonyoung taught to dance to. He was responsible for making music that would win them awards, for music that would rise up the charts, for music that was flexible but fixed in place at the same time.

"Well... We've been using the songs you stocked up on in September to dance to. 'Wee Woo' I think the one is. It's really good." Soonyoung assured, taking his phone out of his pocket. "Here- I have a photo of practice from Tuesday."

He clicked onto a video and passed the phone over the table to Jihoon. He watched the girls glide through the choreography, easily moving from one spot to another. The music wasn't completely clear, as Soonyoung had a really old iPhone that had some of the world's most awful speakers on them, but he could still just about hear the bass and catch the end of the lines.

One girl at the back tripped over, but Soonyoung just rushed over and gently pushed her back into the centre as her part came up. He disappeared as fast as he came, and the only trace of him being there was the sound of him occasionally shouting things out, like:

"Eunwoo- right foot!"

"Nayoung! Don't miss that bit of footwork, it's too obvious!"

Jihoon found himself laughing as a few of the girls got increasingly flustered when Soonyoung told them to switch places but then swapped them back. One of them almost crashed into the other, but the girl composed herself just in time for her part.

"It's good choreography," Jihoon said, handing the phone back gently. "I still think that a few of the lines I chose sound a little too much like innuendos, though."

"Yeah..." Soonyoung hid his laughter behind his cup. "They looked a little confused when I read out the first lines and told them where to stand. Why did you pick those lines, anyway?"

"I was thinking of like a pinata or something..." Jihoon trailed off, laughing now too.

"What bit aren't you telling me?" Soonyoung snickered, detaching their hands to straighten his jacket.

"Well, I realized that it was an innuendo... and found it so amusing that I just left it there to laugh every time I listened to it."

"Lee Jihoon! You put an innuendo on a debut track?!"


Just to explain, I am aware that Woozi didn't write the lyrics for Wee Woo. But the innuendo I'm referring to is:

'I wanna blow the balloon that is you
(ayayaya) Pop! When it pops,
What will be there?'

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