8 | Smile Flower

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8 Smile Flower Final

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For some reason, sometimes, suddenly
I keep thinking these days
How happy I am, how beautiful you are
About us, who is second to none

If we ever become unhappy
Some day
If we become apart
What do I do?
Of course, that won't happen

I don't even wanna think about this
But sometimes I do
I hope you don't

I can smile because we're together
I can cry because it's you
So what can't I do?
Whenever, wherever
Even if we're not together, just like always
Our smile flowers bloom
I'll be the spring to your smile

I always
Only receive from you
So I'm so thankful and sorry
To the point of tears
I wanna hug you
But I feel nervous for some reason
Why am I hesitating?
I don't wanna be like this

Just like the sky is high and the wind is cold
Like the ocean is wide and blue
I'm afraid that
I'll take you for granted
I think that's why I'm being like this
I'm nervous about that
What if I lose you?
I hope you don't feel the same

I can smile because we're together
I can cry because it's you
So what can't I do?
Don't say it's the end
Because I'll stay by your side

Whatever happens
Just like always, we'll be together
Don't say it's the end
Whatever happens, just like always
Our smile flowers will bloom

Whenever, wherever
Even if we're not together, just like always
Our smile flowers bloom
I'll be the spring to your smile

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Jihoon sighed happily, feeling Soonyoung's hands wind around his waist in that way that only he could make somewhat romantic. Salty sea air filtered through the open curtains, making the room smell fresher albeit colder than before, though Jihoon didn't mind. He'd always wanted to live by the sea, so when the opportunity arose to do so, he didn't spare a second thought. Honestly, he'd had no regrets since moving here. Work was good, they'd made friends and Chan had people his age to play with. Sure, learing to speak English was a small challenge, and learning that British customs didn't include bowing often, was odd, but in the end they benefitted.

He cracked his eyes open just a little so that he could look out the window and to the tops of the surrounding houses. The ocean was visible just over the horizon, glimmering blue under the morning sun. Children were already on the beach, and the familiar ice cream van was parked along the side. It was only a matter of minutes until Chan was begging them to take him down there to play.

"Stop moving," Soonyoung whined groggily, squeezing his eyes shut. His voice was low and gravely from just waking up, and he winced at the sound of himself. "Why're you wriggly?"

"I'm not wriggly," Jihoon laughed, lying back down to face his husband. "You're just too sensitive."

Soonyoung grunted and Jihoon knew he'd won. He moved closer so that he could rest his head on the elder's chest. Luckily, Soonyoung wasn't holding a grudge so he held his arms open, wrapping them around the smaller when he got close enough. A seabird perched outside their window and Soonyoung groaned, beginning to count down from ten until Chan would barge in.

As he reached five, Jihoon heard the sound of a pair of small feet charging down the hallway, and nudged Soonyoung, handing him a pair of jogging bottoms from the floor. Typically, they didn't dump things on the floor, as Chan was one of those kids who copied everything his parents did, but last night they'd gotten back from Jeonghan's really late and neither of them could care less about setting a good example.

The door swung open and Jihoon pressed his finger to Soonyoung's lips, signaling the latter to keep quiet to humor themselves.

"Papa?" Chan clawed at Jihoon's arm, using it to pull himself up from the floor. When Jihoon and Soonyoung had adopted their son, both of them being recognized as 'dad' made for some confusion, so Jihoon (under Minghao and Junhui's advice, although both were still overseas) had settled for 'Papa'.

"Mm?" Jihoon pulled Chan on top of him, while Soonyoung struggled around with the sweatpants under the duvet. "What's wrong?"

Here it comes. "Can we go down to the beach? My friends are going to be there today." Chan pouted, crossing his small arms over his chest. At four, the boy had figured out his parents' ways of getting what they wanted. He used Jihoon's pouting and Soonyoung's arms crossing, and both men found it so amusing they found it hard to say no.

"I don't know, sweetheart," Soonyoung butted in, stroking his son's messy hair away from his eyes. "Papa and I are tired and it's Sunday. You've got homework and I've got work tomorrow."

"But," Chan's bottom lip quivered as he spoke. "It hasn't been this warm out in ages! And I've only got a teeny bit of maths homework." Chan held out his thumb and index finger to show how small the amount of homework was. Sure, the kid was correct, but Soonyoung wasn't lying about he and Jihoon being tired.

"I can ask Wonwoo to take him down," Jihoon shrugged. After he left the hospital, he and Wonwoo had stayed in touch, and it turned out that Wonwoo actually lived in this town with his long-term boyfriend, Mingyu. The couple liked kids but weren't interested in becoming parents, so they often babysat Chan if Jihoon and Soonyoung wanted to go out. "I think he's free today."

"Yeah," Chan agreed, crawling over to sit on top of Soonyoung. He was a small child, especially for his age, and Jihoon would be lying if he said that living with someone smaller than him didn't give him validation over his height. "I want to play on the beach with Mingyu again! He's really fast!"

"Fine, but I want to hear that Wonwoo and Mingyu have never met a more well-behaved child, okay?" Chan nodded, happy that he could get what he wanted, and make his parents happy at the same time.

By the time Chan had been collected by Mingyu, as Wonwoo was waiting in the car, it was past midday, and both Jihoon and Soonyoung had finally finished work. Their stomachs were calling for attention, so they decided to do what they hadn't done in years. Take a stroll down to the pier and grab some lunch.

The wind was nice, yet there was an icy breeze accompanying it. Neither man cared that much though, so they continued to walk down, ignoring the slight drizzle.

"I want you to be with me until I die," Soonyoung smiled, handing Jihoon a chip from his plate.

"Let's hope I die before you then," Jihoon laughed, settling his hand on top of Soonyoung's.

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Smile Flower ❀ SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now