Happy Birthday!

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It is your birthday. Your favorite time of the year. You can Haru had just started dating a few months ago. At school he had met up with you in the janitors closet and he had told you that he was gonna take you to a romantic date. You were obviously excited!

You dressed in a lovely sea blue dress that fell down to your knees. Your mom had gave you a pretty necklace that had a silver mermaid on it. You knew Haru would love your outfit. In your small purse you put in a swimming suit JUST IN CASE. You knew anything could go wrong when Haru sees water. You went over to your mirror and applied a little make up, but not to muck to make you look fake but not to little that it looks like you have no make up. You took your long/ short / medium lengthen hair and curled it.

"Lovely" you complemented yourself

"You sure do"

You jumped, making the curling iron fall out of your hand.

"AH" you were frightened

You looked over to see Haru wearing a nice blue polo shirt matching his eyes.

"Don't scare me love!" you playfully hit his arm, chuckling

You straitened your dress and went over to Haru.

"I have a present for you!" Haru said with a smile curving in his lips.

"What is it!!" you said in excitement

"It's a surprise, just open it you will see."

"You know I hate surprises!!!!"

You open the medium sized box. Mid way from opening it you say...

"What is it" your about to shake it when Haru says

"OH don't shake it! I mean I wouldn't becaus- it- umm- just open it"

You tear open the lavender colored box and gasp in amaze.

"It- It's It's ITS A PUUUUPPYYY!!!" you shout in excitement

" Happy Birthday my sweet" he said with a ear to ear smile

You lift up the small chocolate puppy and hug him. You walk over to Haru and give him a long deep kiss.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

" Shall we go?"

" What about the pup-"

"I've got it covered" Haru said cutting you off

"Oh okay" you said in a sigh in relief

You hop onto is black car and drive off.

"Where are we going?"

" To eat at Ze blue zesterant." he said in a Italian accent

You chuckled. Once you reached ' Ze blue zesterant', you walk out of the car and walk hand in hand with Haru to the entrance. You walk in while Haru is holding the door for you. You take in the aroma of Italian food. This restaurant was your favorite. Good food and also they have an aquarium for walls.You look up to see a Manta Ray swimming above you. You look to the side to see a brightly colored school of fish. You take the seat Haru had pulled out for you.

" Thank you my kind sir" you laughed at how polite he was

He just stared at your (eye color) eyes.

"You know you look beautiful tonight" he blushed his hands on his chin.

We just sat there in silence staring at each other. The tall waited broke the silence.

"What would you guys like to eat? Our special is our Spicy Italian spaghetti." the waiter said giving us a menu

"Ooo I'll take" you scanned the menu " The Fettichini Chicken Alfredo!" you licked your lips

" I'll take the....hmmm.... how about the special." Haru said

"And to drink?" the waiter asked writing down our orders

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