Chapter 5 - My Perfect Match

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Chapter 5


(2 months ago)

I am taking big swigs of my delicious and chilled vanilla coffee topped with melted chocolate. The supremacy of coffee and chocolate over me is beyond anyone's imagination.

I am very much bone-tired. I admit the amount of work I do is immense but I love it, too. Even after the Trawih, I am again sitting with my work, making plans on how to meet the demand of a new client.

The routine is strenuous in Ramadhan. In addition, the fasts in the suffocating month of June are tough, too.

My eyes dart to the home right in front of mine. I guess its Elza who is ambling in the balcony sipping something from...bottle, water maybe. The half-moon has basked the whole surrounding in blue silver lightening. I think she finds me staring in her direction.

The pulchritude of every girl soars second by second from sixteen to twenty-three. But she is an exception case; heavenly alluring.

I shrug my mind to stop it from strolling to the swooning thoughts of a day ago; me making henna patterns over her delicate hands.

I really had no composure but pass a compliment to her. After that, she has not acknowledged my presence. It's painful. At least she had respect for me earlier. What can I do? I really, really like her. When I see her, all I do is consider her as my wife. Yes, My Wife.

I am 29 years old and unmarried. Why? Because I never liked any girl. My family is gigantic one that we are in close connection with our relatives and then my business associates... You cannot put yourself to count the number of proposals I got and still getting. My mom literally exhorts me for marriage. But no girl jams my concentration like Elza does. Since her 18th birthday, I am having a hard time. All I have done in eight months is lull my heart and mind to be mature and not eye a girl who is in her ripe age.

She is what I ask for from Allah now. The bad girl distracts me even in my Namaz. Composing myself in nippy, I do try to shrug away her thoughts as Salah is the prayer in which you beseech in front only Allah with clear and sterling self.

The unease feeling have not flout even after consuming the dinner; minced meat and favorite brownie. Her ignorance is stimulating my universe of covets set only for her, my passion to make her mollified in the throes of intimacy and last but not least my affection to keep her happy.

I begin to think of my self-vows if I marry her or if she marries me. I chuckle. Work can come later.

Golden Rules of Marriage;

I will keep her happy.

I will never mistrust her. Heck, who will mistrust her. She has the character to salute for.

I will never disturb her sleep.

I will never torture her; whether mentally or physically.

I will never consider her as a meat of flesh but my wife.

I will make her my best friend.

I will sleep co-cooing her every night.

In fights, I will always let her explain her point of view first.

I will never curse or abuse her. Hell, Its impossible.

More vows are not coming in my mind. Ouch! I jot these on my diary and take quick steps on stairs to go to ground floor rather than using elevator. I feel like my heart will fulminate with exultation.

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