Jason's Birthday Party

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It's his birthday today
Jason had invited me and Nico to his birthday party tonight and Nico was procrastinating. "Nico you need to go get dressed it's three o'clock and you're still in pajamas." I look at Nico. "His party's at six I'm fine." Nico waved me off."It's actually at five and you take forever to get your life together." I say walking to his wardrobe to pull out his clothes. I grabbed a white button up with black skulls and a pair of nice black jeans. He groaned and got up shuffling to the bathroom.
-----time skip-----
Nico comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist." Nico! I though you were almost done!" I say. He huffs and grabs the clothes going back to change. The next time he comes out he's changed and ready to go. His shoulder length dark hair is half pulled up half down and he's wearing white vans. "Well don't you clean up nicely." I smirk holding Jason's birthday present. "Shut up" he frowns. We walk to the dining hall arm in arm. Music blares. There is kool-aid being served. Romans and Greeks mingle. Throughout this Chaos Nico was stuck to my side like glue. We stand in a quitter corner of the party with Reyna. "Nico drink this" she says handing him a cup. He shrugs and drinks it. "What is it?" I ask hesitantly." Just a little kool-aid" My face blanched. "Neeks you're-" he cuts me off"Reyna can I have another cup" she smiles."Sure thing" she winks at me and sauntered away. "Nico that's spiked" I say turning to him."Will I'm fine, I can hold my kool-aid"he smiles. Reyna comes back with a cup. A very big cup. Nico drinks more and more as the night wears on.
-----le time skip-----
I push through the crowd looking for Nico. I find him by the same corner from before. Music still blares. I grab his wrist and he looks at me"Heeeey Sunshine" he slurs. Oh dear. "C'mon Nico we're going"
"Awww why Willlie-poo" he whines.
"You're drunk"I say a stern expression on my face. He leans close to me, I can smell the alcohol on his breath as he whispers something in my ear that makes me blush.
"Nico we are going home" I scoop him up bridal style. He loosely wraps his arms around my neck. We get back to cabin thirteen and I help him change into a pair of my sweatpants, that he stole mind you, and a tank top. He starts mumbling incoherently. I sit him on the bed and go to change into my pajamas. I come back and sit next to him. He pulls himself into my lap. "Nico what are you doing" I ask. "Oh Will lay down with me" he says kissing me messily. I push him away and his face goes slack "Will my tummy hurts" he says I lead him to the bathroom were he pukes and retches for a while. After I give him a drink of water and bring him back to bed. He falls asleep soundly.
It's Jason's birthday so I figured I'd celebrate!! Anyway this was short.

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