Fade Away

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       With all his strength, Yoongi broke the mask in half. He continued to break it into pieces, letting all his anger and frustration out on the pieces of plastic. Letting out a sigh, he bent down and scooped all the broken pieces onto the pile of papers and gasoline that lay before him.

       As he lifted up the lighter once again, he squeezed Jimin's cold hand tightly. He flipped on the small flame, and watched it dance before his eyes.

       While all of this was happening, he had a strange feeling in his chest. It was as if he had a sudden urge to hug everyone alive. And this caused a smile, a huge smile, to spread across his face.

He hadn't smiled in such a long time.

       He felt tears trickle down his cheeks as his smile faltered a bit, but didn't disappear completely. With bright eyes, he tossed the lighter onto the gasoline before him, and watched as everything became warm.

His eyes were full of tears, which he managed to wipe away, weakly. The sound of wooden planks snapping in half and flames crackling filled his ears, the smoke smelling like a bonfire.

       Yoongi held onto Jimin's icy hand as long as he possibly could, until he felt their fingers slip away from each other.

A real smile placed upon both boy's faces as they let go for good.

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