Im Dumber Than I Look, I Swear

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Right then, the Staff Only door behind the counter Josh was behind flew open.

Josh's posture straightened and he seemed more professional, if that's the right word.

A girl with short, bleached blonde hair came strutting through the opening and came up behind Josh and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked, looking between the two boys, lips curling up into a smile.

"No, it's nothing. Tyler you should be going" Josh proposed, silently begging him to leave now.

But of course, our boy completely ignored it. Since when did Tyler Joseph take orders?

"Who are you?" Tyler responded, eyes narrowing. Who was she?

The girl was now in front of Josh and the pink-haired man was frantically shaking his head and waving his hands back and forth while continuously mouthing 'go home, don't talk to her'.

"Paul's friend, co-worker and boss. Owner of this cafe. Who are you?" the feisty blonde bit back. Two could play at that game. She tried the nice approach but the brunette wasn't nice back.

"Who the heck is Paul?" The brunette quizzed, looking at Josh expectantly. Josh froze his erratic actions. He came to a halt. The girl looked back at Josh and opened her mouth to reply. "Josh?" Tyler said, searching for an answer.

The pink-haired worker sucked in a sharp breath before whispering, not so subtly, "he knows, Hayley"

Hayley's eyes were wide in shock and disbelief. It was as though the two friends were having an unsaid conversation by just using facial expressions and eye contact. The exuberant boy was very confused and was on the verge of intervening.

Hayley turned to Tyler in one swift motion.

"Would you mind giving us a moment?" She said, sweetly, though it wasn't really a question. The taller boy nodded before taking a few steps back and the two coworkers began whisper-shouting at one another.

Tyler couldn't hear everything. He did miss a fair amount of the conversation but he did catch a couple things, such as:

"You told him!?"
"It was an accident, it just slipped out!"

"Do you realise what could happen?"
"Yes, I know but it's not that bad. He's harmless!"
"What am I going to do with you?! Watch what you say next time"
"Sorry, gosh"

"We both agreed that Paul would be your name here"

With that last sentence being said by the unfamiliar woman, our main character slipped into the conversation.

By now, Jenna had got up out of her seat, leaving the group and stood next to her best friend. Once she had seen the woman come out of the back door, she new it couldn't be good.

"He doesn't even look like a Paul" Tyler scoffed. "Why were you planning on lying about your names anyway?"

The bubbly blonde best friend gave Tyler a confused look as if asking to elaborate. She had no clue what had just transpired.

"That's none of your business" Hayley snapped at the same time Josh said "We wanted a fresh start"

Tyler nodded. He understood now. It made sense.

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