Shattered World

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Author's Note: Please understand that the time in which this story will be updated may vary from once everyday to perhaps 2-3 days as I do not like leaving my readers on a cliffhanger only to return a year later or to simply never finish the story at all. This story shall henceforth be updated and eventually completed, and any suggestions for the story are welcomed. 

Emil - Iceland

Lukas - Norway

Hilde Bondevik - Emil and Lukas's mother  


He wasn't like the others, and he understood. He was an unwanted child at the very start, it had been foolish of him to assume otherwise, blinded by the love and affection given by his elder brother and parents, it was obvious that it was only a matter of time before his world shattered.

And indeed it fell apart. 


Silver hair and purple coloured eyes, Emil Steilsson was quite an abnormal child. Yet in the ignorance gifted to him before everything had fallen apart, Emil spent his days in a peaceful bliss with his brother Lukas, whom he referred to and to the elder's delight, "big brother." His parents always wore a smile, his mother never seemed sad, in fact, her presence seemed to make the household even more content and happy. He adored his life, with his joyful parents, with his brother no longer stoic, and he loved his beautiful family, and would never trade anything to leave their home in Norway.

He was a fool to believe it was all a reality. 


While Emil and Lukas were indeed related by blood, both shared the Norwegian blood that ran through their parents. However, it was Emil that held Icelandic blood in his veins that his elder brother had not possessed as well. It was quite simple, really. Their mother had an affair with an Icelandic man.  Of course, this enraged the two's father at first, however, as the two had never loved one another anyways and had simply been married off as to sustain their family's surname of Bondevik, he had agreed to stay with his unfaithful wife as to keep reputation and continue gaining money from her family. However, the cost was that Emil would keep the last name of the man his wife had chosen over him and would never be mentioned or brought to family gatherings. And thus, Emil Steilsson was born into the cruel world.  

The family spent many years living under false peace, however, it was when Emil had turned 9 years old that his world began to fall apart. 

Their parents began arguing, at first it was because of the limiting pay the couple began to receive from both their employers and as gifts from their wealthy parents. Soon, his wife's parents had disowned the family altogether, completely erasing their existence within the Bondevik bloodline from the family tree. Thus the fights slowly became louder and more vicious with Lukas having to either bring Emil outside to play, or assist him in learning Norwegian or Icelandic as his mother had the young child learn Icelandic so that if he is to ever be sent away to Iceland he shan't be confused , yet much to both the brother's confusion as to why he would be sent to Iceland as he was clearly a full blooded Norwegian, he continued.  Yet as the fights became more and more horrible, Lukas would always continue to try to shield his brother from both the words and psychical harm, even taking a beating from their enraged father to protect Emil. Yet try as he might, Emil knew. He knew that everything was a lie. 

His father had begun drinking more and more, and eventually he had drunk far too much and stumbled into the room of the young child and began rambling off about how he was simply an unwanted child, how he wasn't even his child,  how he ruined everyone's life, how the world would be better off without him. And most importantly, how he wasn't even a part of his family. Oh how he simply bawled his eyes out that night, his elder brother having to drag his drunken father out of the room, sporting a fresh bruise as a result, he tried once more to comfort his younger brother.

Yet it was all in vain, for he knew the truth. 


 The year following was simply Hell for the two brothers, the fights between their parents no longer verbal, simply two monsters mauling each other, and it frightened them. It was also around this time in which the elder brother had stopped smiling altogether, and if in a rare instance he did, it was simply a futile effort to comfort his brother. 

As the nights passed, their mother couldn't take it any longer. The fights became pointless, and she simply did not want to become that devil's punching bag!  Of course now she had long been dead, or had imply vanished from thin air, yet back then, her name actually held meaning to Emil. Hilde Bondevik decided she found no more reason to remain in the household, and on the 17th of May, Lukas's birthday, she attempted to take her sons and leave for America, where perhaps they shall suffer no longer. Yet her efforts  proved fruitless as she was met at the door with her very wrathful husband. For what seemed like hours, Lukas huddled in the corner with Emil, praying that in some way, everything was simply a nightmare, that this was simply some illusion and soon they'd wake up to see everything was normal again. 

By whatever miracle, Hilde Bondevik had managed to push her husband away from the door long enough to grab her children and flee to America as assumed by Emil. Of course fate had allowed it,  and Emil was left in the house, Hilde had left Emil to the hands of her husband and never to return. A worthy fate for an unwanted child. 


Six years. Six years of constant beatings, verbal abuse, and torture. It was a simple cycle, get up, eat breakfast if there was any food left unnoticed otherwise leave and walk to school after taking whatever beating was planned, study, return home, take another beating, eat leftovers of whatever dinner father had if he spared any, return upstairs, perhaps take another beating or two, and fall asleep. Repeat cycle. 

Emil Steilsson was void of emotion to his classmates, however, it was rather, show emotion or die, it was how he had been raised. Speak out and die, make friends, die, tell what your father is doing, die.  He planned to study hard, perhaps find a way to get a decent job, and become a better person than his father, that is if he didn't die before hands, but to Emil, these dreams would most likely never be a reality. Each beating only meant he was one foot closer to death in his mind. Telling on his father was pointless, he had made it clear after many failed attempts with new torture methods for those incidents, yet Emil made a grave mistake. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" Rang out through the mostly empty house one morning. 

"N-Nothing." Cowered the Icelandic teen as he tried to hide the small fruit he received from his teacher the previous day. He had been foolish enough to believe his father would not notice him trying to eat the fruit on the way to school. This simply resulted in yet another beating, his only food item for that day being stolen from him, and off he was to school once more with two large gashes on his sides. 

Trudging his way to class, Emil's vision began to blur, black dots slowly taking over his vision, until everything faded away. 


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