Welcome Home

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It was strange how everything had turned out. It had been years and he hadn't had any contact with his mother nor his brother. For all he knew, his brother probably despised him, Emil wouldn't be shocked at that, his father was correct. Perhaps if he wasn't born, Lukas wouldn't have to endure all those beatings from his father, perhaps then their family would still be together living in bliss, and away from the burden of an illegitimate child. 

As the cab drove off, Emil was left at the door of what looked to be a two story home small buts of chipped paint around the edges with lush plants surrounding the home with a few flowers growing at the side of the fence dividing the houses in the neighbourhood; to put it shortly, it was a small home that seemed welcoming. Emil could feel himself beginning to shake, so many scenarios of Lukas hating him and possibly kicking him out swirled among his mind, however, it was too late for him to turn back anymore, after all, he learned that his mother had passed away two years ago as a result of disease, so if he tried to run away he had nobody to turn to.  Exhaling a breath he wasn't realize he had been holding in, Emil shakily pressed the doorbell. A minute had passed and nobody had came, maybe Lukas was busy? Pressing the doorbell again, Emil could hear muffled shouts and footsteps coming from presumably the second floor. Backing away from the door, the young teen began to look around in an attempt to distract himself from whatever chaos was ensuing within the house. Suddenly, the door burst open. 


There standing at the door was an extremely excited looking man with hair that seemed to defy gravity; as to what he was doing in the house he had thought belonged to Lukas, Emil was yet to know. Emil began to back away as the sudden burst of energy frightened him a great deal. 

"Hello! Who're you?" Said the man in a thick Danish accent. He opened his mouth as to say something, but then spotted the small rolling suitcase at the teen's side.

"Ohhh!" Turning his back to Emil the Dane began to eagerly yell into the house. 

"Lukaaaasss!! Get over here!"

A single voice that perked up Emil rang out. He recognized it, even if it had been six years, he knew who it belonged to. 

"What do you want, Mathias?" 

Before he could stop himself, Emil began to speak. 


A solid minute passed of awkward silence before what to Emil looked to be a giant warm  blur grab him and pull him into a rib crushing hug. 

"Welcome home, lillebror." 


Author's Note: I'm sorry for the short chapter, however, DenNor, HongIce, and a bit of SuFin will ensue in the following chapters,  for now, what do you think of the story so far? 

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