Undarlegt fjölskylda

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AN: Ahh, I'm sorry for not updating in time, but as a result of some family matters I unable to spare the time to do so, however, now I will begin updating as per usual. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There standing at the door was an extremely excited looking man with hair that seemed to defy gravity; as to what he was doing in the house he had thought belonged to Lukas, Emil was yet to know. Emil began to back away as the sudden burst of energy frightened him a great deal.

"Hello! Who're you?" Said the man in a thick Danish accent. He opened his mouth as to say something, but then spotted the small rolling suitcase at the teen's side.

"Ohhh!" Turning his back to Emil the Dane began to eagerly yell into the house.

"Lukaaaasss!! Get over here!"

A single voice that perked up Emil rang out. He recognized it, even if it had been six years, he knew who it belonged to.

"What do you want, Mathias?"

Before he could stop himself, Emil began to speak.


A solid minute passed of awkward silence before what to Emil looked to be a giant warm blur grab him and pull him into a rib crushing hug.

"Welcome home, lillebror." 


After seemingly a century, Lukas had finally let go of his younger brother.  He couldn't help but worry after letting him go and studying his form, the poor kid was so small and skinny it felt as though he was touching a porcelain doll on the verge of shattering.  Backing away a bit as to give him space, Lukas allowed his grin to slowly fade into a small smile. 

"Well let's head inside, lillebror, it's getting quite cold out here." Before Emil could respond by following his brother into the house and what could only be described as gracefully, took his brother's light luggage and began to enter the house. He had so many questions to ask his younger brother, but not yet, he didn't want to overwhelm the teen. 

"So, you're Emil , right? Do you like Legos, wait, do kids your age even like Legos?  I mean they are-" 

"Shut up, Mathias, he only just got here, let him relax a bit." Interrupted the Dane's rambling as Lukas began to close the front door. 

As the front door finally shut, Emil stood in silent facination as Mathias gave a quick peck on Lukas's cheek before sliding away, giggling like a child and running off upstairs, narrowly missing Lukas's slap. 

"U-Um." Peeped Emil as he watched what just happened in front if him, it was strange yet oddly comforting. 

"Oh don't worry about that, lillebror. That was just my idiotic child of a boyfriend, he may seem strange, but he is what you could call fun."  

Emil could notice a faint hint of pink spread along his brother's cheeks as well as a dreamy look flash on his brother's face before he quickly regained his composure. 

"I'll bring your bags to your room, follow me, Emil, you look tired. Rest a bit, you'll be meeting your neighbours later at dinner." 

Emil froze upon hearing the words "meeting your neighbours." He had to talk to people again. Just great, more social interaction, as if he wasn't already horrible at talking to people anyways. 

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